Watching this discussion of fuel tanks closely.  I have built a Dragonfly 
(hasn't flown yet) and found the construction technique to be fast and easy 
(you have to be fast when applying epoxy).  However, I want to start over with 
a conventional design that fits the requirements of E-LSA.  I would like to use 
the same construction techniques used in the D-fly but do not know what the 
parameters or results of putting a hollow space inside of a foam core wing 
would be but think it might be doable as wing tip tanks, just hollow out the 
outermost 'x' inches of wing and use it as the tank, the least stress place in 
the wing. I am looking at the KR design as the basis for this plane and soaking 
up any ideas I can run across to help me out.  Perhaps external tip tanks a la 
T33?  I am aware that foam dissolves in gasoline..

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