I have 50 years of woodworking experience and have always been less than 
pleased with Resorcinal glues. If it's not clamping pressure then it is 
consistency, working time, shop temperature, shelf life, etc.,etc. It is not 
a forgiving glue. Alternatives...??? T-88..??? difficult to do larges 
assemblies, good gap filler but if its filling a gap you have a bad 
(brittle) joint, also need more than moderate clamping pressure.  What ever 
happened to that 2-part  glue that came with the KR kit years ago? I believe 
it was called aerolite. That glue was easy to work with and reliable. I made 
several violins and mandolins with that stuff and it holds up wonderfully. 
Of course these instruments were not subjected to extreme temperatures and 
humidities. I have a lot of faith in Titebonds exterior glue but have not 
used it in aircraft structural parts....but I have more trust in it than in 
resorcinol I have used West System epoxy as both a laminating glue and 
fiberglass wetting agent and find it exceptionally reliable and easy to work 
with. What is everyone else using out there.?
Pat Russo
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "smwood" <smw...@md.metrocast.net>
To: <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 10:49 AM
Subject: KR> Resorcinol Glue

> Up date on the KR-2 boat:
> I had a KR-2 boat that had been given to me.  No takers on giving to a 
> good
> home.  The boat had been constructed in the 1980's using Resorcinol glue,
> mahogany plywood and spruce.  I broke the boat to get rid of it.  Most of
> the glue joints for the spruce-to-spruce joints broke at the glue line.  A
> few joints broke in the wood fibers.  Where the plywood was stapled to the
> spruce, either the 3/32" plywood broke an inch or so from the spruce or 
> the
> spruce would split.  Where the plywood was not stapled, the
> spruce-to-plywood joints all broke clean at the glue line.
> For this one data point: Resorcinol is not recommended for mahogany 
> plywood
> and spruce construction unless high clamping pressure is used.
> Sid Wood
> Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
> Mechanicsville, MD, USA
> smw...@md.metrocast.net
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