Joe, a lot depends on the circuit that it's in, but for experimental 
purposes with your result sofar, try a 5kOhm linear taper and if that 
still doesn't do enough, try a 2kOhm. You may need to use a wirewound 
pot rather that plastic depending on how much current you are dissipating.
Cheers, Roger

On 2:59 PM, Jose Fuentes wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> does anyone recommend a good POT OHM/K value for use as a dimmer? I got a
> 10k one and well I have to go to the very end to get it to go on and I have
> very little room (very fine turn) to dimm while I have 75% of the turn that
> does nothing.
> Was trying to remember my electronics information, I think it's the higher
> the resistance the more adjustment I will get so if 10k isn't enough maybe
> 20-30k?
> Though I could be wrong, granted they seem to have started out at 10k on the
> store I got it from.
> Joe

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