>Today November 19, 2011, I transported my KR-2, N6242, from my home shop to
>2W6 St. Mary's County Airport, its new home.
>Sid Wood

Good news.  You are getting close to flying now.

I finished up my annual today by fabricating the heat muff for carb 
heat.  Made the last mod to the cowl for the new exhaust and closed 
it up.  I rolled it outside for an engine run and it looks like I'm 
getting about 150 rpm more on the static run up.  Looks like the new 
4 tube exhaust will give me a bit more power for takeoff and climb 
which is what I was hoping for.  Now it is wait for the weather to 
clear up a bit so I can check out my new exhaust and my new IFLY 700 
GPS.    Yeeeee Haaaaaa..........

Larry Flesner

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