Stick with it Colin....It will make an excellent book ! Just add more sex
and shopping....Can't fail !!
Pay your hotel bills anyway..

Don't let the b..s...ds grind you down mate ,
Good luck .
Mac McConnell-Wood ex G-BVZJ

On Sun, Jun 11, 2017 at 11:12 AM, colin hales via KRnet <> wrote:

> Colin hales
> Subject: Not Flying in Japan
> The latest.
> The British Embassy were doing a very good job of helping me with my
> application paperwork, even though they are very busy because it is raining
> North Korean Missiles around here. But the JCAB did not like my hand
> writing style. (Honest, that was their words! I just hope it was a loss in
> translation.) So we got a message from Pathfinders. Pathfinders is ‘local
> hero and Red Bull Air Race Pilot Yoshi Muroya’s’ own company. They also
> organise the Red Bull Air Race in Japan and had offered to help me before.
> Some months back, Yoshi’s assistant had arranged a meeting with the JCAB
> and myself, but the JCAB phoned her up the night before to cancel the
> meeting saying the JCAB would only work with the British Embassy. Two
> months later that had all changed again and now Pathfinders said they would
> help me, once more with the JCAB.
> A meeting was held with the Pathfinders assistant, but she brought their
> own agendas along. They had changed the route, wanted me to meet Majors of
> Prefectures and expected me to fly into an airfield that was too short,
> with no fuel or services. Pathfinders assistance would be free, but I was
> expected to pay some $3,000 to cover handling agents fees at these
> airfields on route. I agreed to all this. There was one main outstanding
> item. I was yet to pay the parking fee at Niigata. I considered that was my
> only remaining bargaining chip. If ever the JCAB completely refused to give
> me flight permission, why would I pay the parking fees for being held up
> over the last 6 months. But I agreed to pay the fees to be able to move on
> and remove any stumbling blocks. I signed lots more application documents
> to be sent to the JCAB and all was so pleasant with smiles all round. Ho ho…
> So reluctantly I paid the parking fees and sent a joke attached to lighten
> the mood between me and the JCAB financial offices. Humour had been a major
> player in getting the plane through Russia and surely it couldn’t hurt. I
> told them I would pay the Parking Fees if they paid my hotel bills.
> The next day I was called into the British Embassy. Now, it is never good
> news to read that the British Embassy need ‘a chat’ with you… Apparently
> Pathfinders were wanting to pull out their support as I was being awkward
> and the JCAB wanted to know why I expected them to pay my Hotel Bills?
> A lot of back pedalling was done and apologising emails were sent
> everywhere. The British Embassy convinced Pathfinders to continue with
> their assistance, but they said they were too busy now with the
> organisation of the Red Bull Air Race and I would have to wait two weeks
> till after it was over. I’m good at waiting, so took chance to look around
> Japan for the two weeks up to the event.
> The Air Race was good, I went along. Yoshi won, so I thought Pathfinders
> would be happy. I wrote a congratulation email to them, but left it a few
> days for things to calm down before contacting Pathfinders again to
> continue. But the same day I got a message from the British Embassy saying
> that Pathfinders had told the JCAB that they had changed their mind again
> and decided to remove their support weeks ago, but just not told anyone.
> They will not tell me why or respond to my emails. I wondered why Air Race
> Paddock passes and party invites dried up? Very Japanese. Also the JCAB
> told me that none of the many application documents and letters I signed
> with Pathfinders were ever sent in or submitted. So that was another month
> wasted. But I can’t write to Pathfinders to find out why, in case I upset
> them…? I’m fed up with this attitude, do you think I am not upset at
> another month wasted???
> The JCAB confirmed I would find it difficult to apply for flight
> permissions myself, but I’m finding it impossible to apply with so called
> agents apparently helping me. They are making it more difficult and really
> just wasting everyone’s time. Today another agent contacted me, Peter
> Steeger, saying the JCAB had contacted him to ask him to submit my
> application paperwork. But Peter Steeger and I don’t agree on so many
> issues. Anyway, I have had enough of being told what to do and being
> advised to get help. I am fed up with handing my tour, my flight, my future
> over to another third party as advised by the JCAB ever since I arrived. So
> many agencies I have had to use to help with my application, and if you go
> on results alone, the plane has not moved in 6 months. I have not received
> any help whatsoever, just hindrance. I can't easily get access to my plane
> now to inspect it. The brakes are a shocking mess and they took the fuel
> out of my plane so i couldn't jump the fence and take off I expect. I mean
> you can't or shouldn't upset the Japanese or make them loose face, but its
> quite alright to act with such stupidity to cause me such offence. The took
> the fuel out my plane. I mean come on...
> So starting tomorrow, I will fill out more application documents and walk
> down to the JCAB office, I know where it is down town, and go and do what I
> should have 6 months ago but was advised not to. I'll knock on their door
> and hand them in myself. I have now amassed a lot of Japanese pilot and
> engineer support for my flight, so with their help, I will put in the
> applications. I can’t do any worse than anybody else in the last 6 months.
> There are still so many other avenues to investigate. But presently, all I
> need to do is get a Japanese pilot or engineer at the three airfields I
> intend to land at to agree to act as support, get the JCAB to like or
> understand my writing and off we go.
> An interesting week ahead, but at least I will be in charge and doing
> something. Just sitting back waiting for others not to help has really
> upset me. But don’t tell the Japanese I am upset, it might upset them, and
> we wouldn’t want that now would we…
> I hope you are all being successful in what ever you are trying to achieve.
> Cheers
> Colin.
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