> "By the way, the virus does not infect aircraft."

Are you sure?  As soon as I read that C19 was capable of travelling by
air I immediately bought a can of CamGuard and put it in the fuel for
protection.  I've also got the whole engine area draped with N-95 grade
fabric.  Can't be too careful just now . . . especially since airports
are such hotspots for viral exchanges.  Two EMS helicopters are parked
just down at the end of my row of hangers and you never know what they
could be carrying . . . so you can clearly see I'm not just being

To echo Lee, I don't know anyone who has gotten this thing either . . .
nor have I even heard any rumors . . . which is rare for my airport.   We
do have a bunch of San Diegeans walking around like fugitives from the
Hole in the Wall Gang.   I get lots of dirty looks from them_uns since
the shop rag I hang around my neck when I go into stores isn't protective
enough looking I guess.  So far nobody has chased me out of any stores
although some stores do have special lines for the risky-looking

I sure hope by this time next week we'll be back to normal, or close to


There's a new KR owner up in Edmonton who I've been in touch with since
he bought his KR in one of the Maritime Provinces last year and flew it
home to Edmonton.  He's got a hangar full of airplanes, a V35, a
Pietenpol, an RV-7 . . . one or two others . . . and of all his planes
he's enjoying flying his KR the most.  He's just re-worked his wheel
pants and gained 15 knots!  He's got new Revmaster heads ready to install
and has been relieving the plane of some weight he considers unnecessary.
 He was kind enough to buy my Prince prop a few months back.  He surely
knows about our newsletter here so I expect him to show up at some point
- especially when he's ready to bring it to one of the Gatherings.  The
plane was well-built to start with he says and by the time he finishes
with all his improvements he's going to have a real stunner.

People who have only flown spam cans have no idea how much more fun it is
to get ones hands on a KR.


Also, this is the last place in the world to be advertising a 100K
airplane but a long-time friend battling cancer is divesting himself of
some of his larger possessions so his wife won't have to deal with them. 
He's president of the Stinson Society and has the most beautiful and
meticulously maintained Reliant anyone has ever seen.  It took Grand
Champion Antique in 1984.  If there are any secret Stinson freaks on the
net or perhaps know someone into the Stinson cult, this is a rare
opportunity.  It really should be in a museum and if he doesn't get any
buyers I imagine that's where it will wind up.  It's a beautiful piece of

Classic plane buying is really a situation for someone like the guys who
buy immaculate classic cars at Barrett-Jackson for 100K and sell them a
year or two later for twice or three times what they paid.  That's a game
that takes a lot of money to play but boy, if one knows what one is doing
I don't know of anything else that returns a profit like classic cars . .
. well, maybe cocaine . . .  Seems like classic planes would be the same
but as we duffers die off, that market seems to be shrinking.  The new
market may be in "Classic Drones" or classic flip-phones.     

Barnstormer ad:


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