Several weeks back we discussed the plans given CG range for the KR2.  I gave the location from memory but don't recall it being confirmed.

I brought my plans home from the hangar today and looked it up. As stated in the plans on page 114, 16.1 / Weight and Balance.

( CG range is 15-35% of wing cord, 8" - 16" aft of inboard wing leading edge.)

Again, it is suggested by KR2 flyers that the last 2 inches of the range be avoided.  The 2S with larger tail surfaces might handle that area without a problem but that is not something I'm confirming here.  Anything the builder does to change the Center of Lift (wing lead edge straight full length,  Hershey bar wing, etc. )  or significantly change the C.G. should be done with caution.

Larry Flesner

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