I suggest you convert from a tail wheel to a nose gear set up. The time 
invested will be less than trying to change the seating or added gadgets that 
only add weight and direct to attention. I believe that you are seriously 
afraid of the current configuration and the only way to solve that is to get 
the aircraft in a condition you are comfortable with. Folks have posted 
pictures on what it takes to convert. Seek them out!

Rick Human
KR2 N202RH
Houston, Tx

Ps please trim your text of past posts.

-----Original Message-----
>From: "Dr. Feng Hsu via KRnet" <krnet@list.krnet.org>
>Sent: Sep 4, 2020 10:18 AM
>To: KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org>
>Cc: "Dr. Feng Hsu" <fenghs...@gmail.com>
>Subject: Re: KR> PNW Mini FlyIn #2
>I I think the biggest problem with taildragger is the poor visibility or
>the restricted pilot views outside the cockpit, primarily during taxing and
>landings. Since I have gotten a taildragger, and I realize it's much harder
>to find a pilot who can test flying this bird, much less hope of flying it
>by myself, I have been thinking of innovative ways for improving the
>cockpit views on this bird. I want to elevate the seat position but will
>need to replace with a bigger canopy first....
>I was wondering if anyone has thought about, or tried in the past to
>overcome this issue with well-designed optical or video devices, which
>could significantly improve the pilot views in the cockpit....?!
>Another issue on improving the landing safey for taildraggers is perhaps to
>apply restrictions from overstepping on break pedals during landing. I have
>taken a few flight lessons on flying a taildragger with my CFI, and it
>really crashes my confidence whenever I see my CFI needed to strike on the
>rudder or break pedals so quickly (back and forth) during landing. This to
>me is the 2nd biggest risk driver (next to the view restrictions) to land a
>Honestly, I have seen extremely few or almost none of the flying KR2s exist
>today with a tailwbeel configuration, and I am sure there must be a BIG
>reason for that! I would definitely choose to buy a tri-gear KR2 if I had
>the knowledge today....
>Stay safe & flying 

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