Not always so simple. A number of pitot (not static) entry  tubes on certified 
aircraft, for example Mooneys, have a small drain hole at their lowest point to 
allow escape of water. This is corrected for during calibration of the 
indicator itself and is one reason why one should be wary of simply swapping 
ASI’s around between aircraft.  It does mean however that the leak test will 
show a leak. Always remember to check for its existence and cover the small 
hole with tape before doing the test described. 

John Martindale
Sapphire Beach
New South Wales

> On 18 Apr 2021, at 8:37 am, Flesner <> wrote:
> On 4/17/2021 1:05 PM, Steve G. wrote:
>> One little side note with new aircraft, I know KR guys are cheap but it may 
>> be a good investment to PAY to have an actual pitot static test performed by 
>> a licensed shop to make sure your system is operating properly.
>> Steve Glover
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> While not being a "calibrated" test / setup the following would at least 
> indicate your ASI is working.  That should give you an indication of the 
> airspeed to use on approach after doing a power off straight ahead stall at 
> altitude.
> While not "dis"ing  Mark for his 60 or so high speed taxi runs I have pointed 
> out in the past that anything beyond proving the aircraft is controllable is 
> adding additional risk and is more for pilot comfort level that proving 
> anything about the airplane.  You might want to get comfortable in something 
> other than in an airplane that has never flown before if possible.  We each 
> have our own level of comfort and self determined ability.  Do your own thing 
> and accept the results.
> Larry Flesner
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