The photo(s) you submitted to the KRNet email group are too large to be
The suggested way to address this is explained in the list rules, found
here; http://www.krnet.org/info.html

17) The best way to send photos to the list is to put them on a website
somewhere else and send the link to the list. If that's over your head or
you only have one or two, you can send them direct to the list, as long as
the total size doesn't not exceed approximately 200kB (a total of 250kB, but
your text and "encoding" will cost you some of that). That's likely only one
or two pictures. This means you will likely have to shrink it down to
something reasonable like 800x600, AND compress the image by about 50% using
something like IRFANVIEW, a free image processor available online. If it's
oversize you'll get a message that the moderator is considering it, but the
same guy that wrote this is the moderator, so you can guess what the answer
is. If you can't find an image processor and can't post it online and send a
link, you likely should not be building an airplane either. It's really not
that tough. I've posted a LOT of 70k images on the list and on my website
that are quite acceptable. Surely you can do it with three times that
allotment. For those who take photos with cell phones and want to post them,
first send the photo to yourself, compress it while sending (choose "small"
or "medium), and THEN post the resulting image. It's that easy. Or you can
post all the photos you want to somewhere like DropBox, and then send the
link to folks on KRnet. Be advised though, the day will come when DropBox
will croak, but your email will be on your computer as long as you keep it.
Be advised that PhotoBucket is definitely not where you want to put your
images, as they are now blurring out all photos that have accounts that are
over their limits, making millions of very helpful photos (especially when
it comes to car repair) completely useless. This kind of thing is what
happens when you post your photos on somebody else's server. A lot of
builder's logs have evaporated overnight this way too.

John Bouyea
N133RM KR-2S/ OR81/ Hillsboro, OR
KR Net CoAdmin

-----Original Message-----
From: James Leverton [mailto:jfre...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2021 7:33 PM
To: krnet@list.krnet.org
Subject: KR>Kr and corvair projects for sale

the time has come for me to sell my KR projects.  While it has been a
lifelong dream to build a KR, i now realize my Piper Cherokee is the best
option for me.  here is what i have for sale Standard length KR-2 fuselage,
wing spars, and elevator.  built with FPL16A glue and is in great shape.
also built with the updated wing airfoil. kept dry and inside.  built to
KR-2S specs on the firewall for corvair engine.  $750 or B/O.
KR-2S.  built by Chuck Cornelius, who attended many of the KR flyins with
their motorhome and dogs.  unfortunately, the fuselage got weathered and
deteriorated.  also, a critical mistake was made in not scarfing the plywood
on the sides.  i assume the same mistake was made on the spars, but cannot
verify.  i consider this to be a good source of parts.  except for the
fusealage,  the majority of parts to build a KR-2S are there.  dual sticks,
turtle deck, foredeck, canopy, gas tank, instrument panel, Deihl landing
gear and RAF48 wing skins,   $1000, OBO
Corvair Engine.  '65 110 hp.  built using Fly Corvair parts.  I doubt it was
pickled, so should be taken apart and examined.  No 5th bearing.  does come
with some of Fly Corvair parts, including the hub.  I also have a tub full
of parts, gaskets, etc.  $750 i would like to sell as one complete package,
or complete per each kit.  i want to give this group first shot at this.  if
i dont sell on here,  i will bring it all to Oshkosh and put it in the Aero
Mart.  [cid:4d6d4f4b-440e-4e45-b32c-8aa3784c926e]
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