Hi All! I am super excited to attend the gathering and thank our host for this event. Just a thought for the KR program director, May i suggest the program includes Sat 9-11 @ 8;45 am EST, a special time where all can be gathered as a group.  4 moments of silence for each USA plane and its passengers lost, as this event in history only parallels Dec 7, two dates on USA soil which changed our lives forever. Even if its just 1 minute and then allow gathering attendees who may have some special personal challenges to deal with on this annual occasion, that they may speak to us from the heart. We all need a little "healing" now and again, and it may very well be your neighbor!

Thanks for listening
Keith Wiese N2022D
Hi Mike.
You gave a brief history of the airplane I am lucky to current caretaker of. 
I'll be at the Lee's Summit Gathering but this year N133RM will stay in Oregon. 
You can read all about it on Oscar's web site http://flysquirrel.net
See you soon!
John Bouyea
N133RM/ OR81
Hillsboro, Oregon

AND a "unique opportunity" to see John's N133RM, originally a plane designed 
and built by Roy Marsh, a WWII fighter pilot from Santa Maria, CA
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