I finally got my engine to idle correctly without issues for the first time. I 
built this engine three years ago after I purchased it from a Q2 owner. I 
installed Revmaster 041 heads with stainless steel valves and then put the 
engine aside while I finished my work on my airplane... move forward three 
years and it was time to run the engine... Since I had installed a dual 
electronic ignition, which gave me a lot of trouble to install being that it 
was the third of its kind for a VW engine (Sam Spanovich has one), that took 
over a month. the aerocarb that I purchased about the same time as the engine, 
needed a lot of adjustments, I then found that the engine valves were never 
adjusted properly (by muah), and I found the right manifold loose. After a very 
frustrating three months of chasing down problems... the results are in, I hope 
you enjoy this short video 
KR2S Idles for the first time.

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KR2S Idles for the first time.




Luis R Claudio  KR2S  N8981S  Dallas, Texas 
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