On 22 January 2011 20:40,  <maggs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) plymounth theme with the same color of KDE theme.

It's blue, what colour should it be?

> 2) Kubuntu developers want ship the artwork of KDE without changes, it's ok
> for us, but please, can you replace at least the kickoff icon with the
> Kubuntu logo?

This would remove upstream's branding which is something upstream
don't want us to do (understandably).  KDE provides a space for distro
logo in the kickoff menu which we use.

> 3) kde minor release on the official repository

This is quite time consuming because it requires a lot of QA, and
doesn't provide much benefit because the packags are already available
in a PPA.  But Scott has said he wants to do it.

> 4) folder preview of the image folder by default in dolphin

Upstream aren't keen on this, I think because it might slow it down
and take up disk space.  But I would prefer it.  I'll see if I can
turn it on for the next alpha.

> 5) kipi-plugins by default: kubuntu website shows them, but they aren't
> installed by default

Our CDs are currently oversized so we can't add anything more to them.

> 6) Ship kaffeine or vlc by default instead of dragon player

kaffeine doesn't use Phonon so features such as USB headphones don't
work.  vlc has a very confusing UI.

> 7) a faster installer, if possible

The installer uses debian-installer which talks to debconf and that
limits the speed between pages.

> 8) can you add acpi-support-base package? (eeepc-acpi-scripts depend from
> it)

Neither of these packages exist in natty

> 9) package for install root action (dolphin installer menu doesn't work,
> it's a bug?)

I'm not sure what you mean here, can you explain what the "dolphin
installer menu" is?

Thanks for the suggestions.


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