What's the current status of files in kvm/ subdirectory
in the qemu-kvm distribution (0.14 or git) ?

As far as I can see, all that is old and unused stuff,
which only confuses users.  It is not used during build
the Makefiles are obsolete and refers to non-existed
files/directories, some remaining bits (like vgabios)
are too old to be useful for current qemu-kvm, etc.

Maybe it's better to just drop the whole thing to stop

If it may be needed in the future, it can be taken from
older source tarballs.  Just letting that stuff to bitrot
isn't a nice thing to do. ;)

I mentioned this yesterday to Avi (my question was
especially about vgabios), and he told me to send a
patch with justification.  But it's way too simpler
to just do `git rm -r kvm' than apply a patch to
remove the whole thing.


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