Hi again, and thanks.

I think I am getting there, so for a system with two bands each row has 4 
elements which corresponds to 2 left-going and 2 right-going modes. Is that 

And the orbitals in this case, corresponds to spin? I haven't implemented spin 
or anything manually to the model, is this done by Kwant by default? The output 
I get is a 2x4-matrix. Is the output wavefunction a spinor?


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Weston [mailto:joseph.westo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 16. november 2016 15:13
To: Camilla Espedal <camilla.espe...@ntnu.no>
Cc: kwant-discuss@kwant-project.org
Subject: Re: [Kwant] Question about lead_info[].wave_functions[]


> Thank you. This might be a silly question, but what is the meaning of 
> orbitals here? Is it not only 1?

When I say "orbitals" it's really a shorthand for "degrees of freedom".
If you have a lead with 2 sites in the unit cell, and each one has a single 
degree of freedom associated with it (i.e. the onsites are just
numbers) then the wavefunction would be a vector with 2 entries.

If you have, say, spin 1/2 particles, then each site would have 2 degrees of 
freedom associated with it (spin up & spin down). In the same way, if a site 
really represents an atom, then your "internal degrees of freedom" could be the 
different atomic orbitals (s, p, d etc.).
Of course, Kwant makes no assumptions about what these degrees of freedom 
actually mean -- it is up to the user to define what they mean by describing 
the appropriate Hamiltonian.

> The orbital elements seem to be conjugate of each other.

I think you are looking at the wrong axis of the `wave_functions` array. The 
*first* axis runs over the orbitals, and the *second* axis runs over the modes.
For a given band, I would expect the left- and right-propagating modes to be 
conjugates of each other, as they are related by time-reversal symmetry (unless 
you have some terms in your Hamiltonian that break this, but I think not).

Does that clarify?


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