
> I think I am getting there, so for a system with two bands each row has 4 
> elements which corresponds to 2 left-going and 2 right-going modes. Is that 
> correct?

If you evaluate the modes at an energy at which both bands are open, then yes.
You will need to refer to the documentation to find out what order the
modes are stored in.

> And the orbitals in this case, corresponds to spin? I haven't implemented 
> spin or anything manually to the model, is this done by Kwant by default? The 
> output I get is a 2x4-matrix. Is the output wavefunction a spinor?

If you haven't implemented spin or anything then there will not be any
spin. I would expect the `wave_functions` array to have shape (2, 4)
in the case you described above, i.e. there are 4 (2 left-going, 2
right-going) modes and the wavefunctions have 2 elements, corresponding
to the 2 sites in your unit cell.


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