Dear All,

(thanks so much for kwant ;) )

I am wondering whether there is a mistake/typo in the docstring of the PropagatingModes object.

The reason is the following: In a simple lead (specifically graphene zigzag nanoribbon) at energy that excites 6 modes (only 3 with positive derivative dE/dk), when getting the `PropagatingModes` (either through physics.modes or by the Smatrix), and I get the momenta and velocities, it looks like this:

In [35]: modes
Out[35]: <kwant.physics.leads.PropagatingModes at 0x2139805ecf8>

In [36]: modes.momenta
array([-2.12874239,  2.0566145 ,  2.06992722,  2.12874239, -2.0566145 ,

In [37]: modes.velocities
array([-1.91098658, -2.24527103, -1.66541483,  1.91098658, 2.24527103,

Now, the docstring of Propagating modes states:

The first half of the
modes have negative velocity, the second half have positive velocity. The
modes with negative velocity are ordered from larger to lower momenta, the
modes with positive velocity vice versa.
However, this is not what I see. The first half, with negative velocity, is clearly sorted from smaller to bigger momenta, while the second half (with positive velocity) is sorted from bigger to slower momenta. This is the exact opposite of the docstring.

Thus I am writing this mail to see if I have misunderstood something or if this is simply a typo mistake.


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