Nafise Nouri Tue, Nov 5, 10:37 PM
Dear Adel,

Best regards,

On Wed, Nov 6, 2019 at 1:27 AM Adel Belayadi <> wrote:

> Dear nafise. I have seen you have asked the question again. Please state
> that your query was solved so other might know and benifit. Please sharing
> is the purpose of mailing list.
> Know back to your problem. It is better to avoid attach.reversed.Instead
> create for instance lead2 with -Num.
> Please state that your problem was solved in mail listing as Josef advised
> u.
> Best, Adel
> Le mar. 5 nov. 2019 à 21:07, Adel Belayadi <> a écrit :
>> You are welcome.
>> Le mar. 5 nov. 2019 à 20:08, Nafise Nouri <> a
>> écrit :
>>> Dear Adel,
>>> Thank you for your reply and help. It is so useful for me.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nafise
>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 12:03 AM Adel Belayadi <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear nafise,
>>>> Good day, it seem that you have problem with symmetry.
>>>> To some up you have to fix the following issues:
>>>> 1. define the lattice.general correctly
>>>> 2. provide larger limit along x for the rectangle, so we might avoid
>>>> isolated atoms(unconnected)
>>>> 3. chose the symmetry as Num = 8*(a1*sqrt(3)/2) and then use  sym =
>>>> kwant.TranslationalSymmetry([0, Num])
>>>> 4. shift the origin of y direction in your delet function by
>>>> (y-a1*sqrt(3))**2 intead of y**2
>>>> 5. the boundary in lead_shape is for x not y. If we use y the code will
>>>> bug (infinity system)
>>>> Please, you have one thing left to do. kindly make sure that the lead
>>>> is  100% armchair, perhaps Mrs Josefe or About would be for a help.
>>>> I have plotted the bands for the lead, it seems armchair but I still do
>>>> not  muster 100% the source code of  kwant.plotter.bands. Please check this
>>>> pont.
>>>> See the code with explanation
>>>> Happy kwanting
>>>> Best Adel
>>>> import kwant
>>>> from math import sqrt
>>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>>> import tinyarray
>>>> import numpy as np
>>>> import math
>>>> import cmath
>>>> #import scipy.linalg as la
>>>> import matplotlib
>>>> d=1.42;
>>>> a1=d*sqrt(3);
>>>> #on-site energy...................................................
>>>> t=-2.7;
>>>> latt = kwant.lattice.general([[a1, 0], [a1/2, a1*sqrt(3)/2]],  #
>>>> lattice vectors
>>>>                                  [[0, 0], [0, a1/sqrt(3)]])  #
>>>> Coordinates of the sites
>>>> a, b = latt.sublattices
>>>> syst= kwant.Builder()
>>>> ## you have to provide quite big boundaries to avoid isolated atoms so
>>>> abs(x)=4*a1
>>>> def rectangle(pos):
>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>     z=x**2+y**2
>>>>     return -4*a1<x<4*a1 and -6*d<y<7*d
>>>> syst[latt.shape(rectangle,(1,1))]=0
>>>> ## you have to shift the origine of your diffect by a1*sqrt(3)
>>>> def delet(pos, shift = a1*sqrt(3)):
>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>     z=x**2+(y-shift)**2
>>>>     return  z<(2*a1)**2
>>>> del syst[latt.shape(delet, (1,1))]
>>>> #nearestneighbors.............................................................
>>>> syst[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,0),a,b)]]=t
>>>> syst[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,1),a,b)]]=t
>>>> syst[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((-1,1),a,b)]]=t
>>>> ## using [0, Num] as True
>>>> Num = 8*(a1*sqrt(3)/2)
>>>> sym = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry([0, Num])
>>>> lead = kwant.Builder(sym)
>>>> ##the lead shape must be lilited in x not y
>>>> def lead_shape(pos):
>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>     return  -4*a1<x<4*a1
>>>> lead[latt.shape(lead_shape, (0,0))]=0 ##or use the folowing lambda form
>>>> ##lead[latt.shape((lambda pos: abs(pos[0]) < 4*a1 ), (0, 0))] = 0
>>>> def delet_lead(pos, shift = +a1*sqrt(3)):
>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>     z=x**2+(y-shift)**2
>>>>     return  z<(2*a1)**2
>>>> del lead[latt.shape(delet_lead, (1,1))]
>>>> lead[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,0),a,b)]]=t
>>>> lead[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,1),a,b)]]=t
>>>> lead[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((-1,1),a,b)]]=t
>>>> syst.attach_lead(lead,add_cells=0)
>>>> kwant.plot(syst);
>>>> syst.attach_lead(lead.reversed(),add_cells=0)
>>>> kwant.plot(syst);
>>>> ### for armchair -pi/3*d<ky<pi/3*d
>>>> from numpy import pi, linspace
>>>> momenta = list(linspace(-pi/3, pi/3, 50))
>>>> kwant.plotter.bands(lead.finalized(), momenta);
>>>> Le dim. 3 nov. 2019 à 10:55, Nafise Nouri <> a
>>>> écrit :
>>>>> Dear Joseph
>>>>> At first thank you for kwant team. My problem for zigzag nanoribbon
>>>>> with defect (hole) was solved with your help. Now I have a bit problem 
>>>>> with
>>>>> armchair nanoribbon. I have changed zigzag nanoribbon according to making
>>>>> the armchair nanoribbon. It is OK when we have no defect on the system but
>>>>> when I try to make hole on the scattering region and leads I have a
>>>>> problem. The shape of holes  on  the scattering region and leads are not
>>>>> same. My code is as the following. That is very king of you if you help me
>>>>> where is the problem.
>>>>> Thanks In advance for your help.
>>>>> Beat wishes,
>>>>> Nafise
>>>>> import kwant
>>>>> from math import sqrt
>>>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>>>> import tinyarray
>>>>> import numpy as np
>>>>> import math
>>>>> import cmath
>>>>> #import scipy.linalg as la
>>>>> import matplotlib
>>>>> d=1.42;
>>>>> a1=d*math.sqrt(3);
>>>>> #on-site energy...................................................
>>>>> t=-2.7;
>>>>> latt = kwant.lattice.general([(0,a1),(a1*math.sqrt(3)/2,a1*0.5)],
>>>>>                              [(-d/2,a1/2),(d/2,a1/2)])
>>>>> a,b = latt.sublattices
>>>>> syst= kwant.Builder()
>>>>> def rectangle(pos):
>>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>>     z=x**2+y**2
>>>>>     return -2.4*a1<x<2.4*a1 and -5*d<y<5*d
>>>>> syst[latt.shape(rectangle,(1,1))]=0
>>>>> def delet(pos):
>>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>>     z=x**2+y**2
>>>>>     return  z<(2*a1)**2
>>>>> del syst[latt.shape(delet, (1,1))]
>>>>> #nearest
>>>>> neighbors.............................................................
>>>>> syst[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,0),a,b)]] =t
>>>>> syst[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,1),a,b)]] =t
>>>>> syst[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((-1,1),a,b)]] =t
>>>>> ax=kwant.plot(syst);
>>>>> sym = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(latt.vec((-2,4)))
>>>>> lead = kwant.Builder(sym)
>>>>> def lead_shape(pos):
>>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>>     return  -5*d<y<5*d
>>>>> lead[latt.shape(lead_shape, (1,1))]=0
>>>>> def delet_lead(pos):
>>>>>     x, y = pos
>>>>>     z=x**2+y**2
>>>>>     return  z<(2*a1)**2
>>>>> del lead[latt.shape(delet_lead, (1,1))]
>>>>> lead[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,0),a,b)]]=t
>>>>> lead[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,1),a,b)]]=t
>>>>> lead[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((-1,1),a,b)]]=t
>>>>> syst.attach_lead(lead,add_cells=0)
>>>>> syst.attach_lead(lead.reversed(),add_cells=0)
>>>>> ax=kwant.plot(syst);

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