Am 11/10/2016 05:21 PM, schrieb Hans Henrik Hansen:
If you send similar files to me, I would like to give it a try, as well! :)

I've sent the file also to you. I don't know how you both are connected. Maybe it's possible to share the work and do it together.


2016-11-10 16:48 GMT+01.00, Marcus<>:
Am 11/10/2016 07:45 AM, schrieb Irene Lykke:
I have tried to translate the webpage, and I send it to you here as
.txt. As I have not heard from you yet regarding my question below, I
just tried something. Please let me know, if I should change something
or if I have misunderstood completely.

thanks for your feedback.

Sorry, I haven't received the mail quoted below. It was also not
received by the mailing list. Please make sure to reply always to the
mailing list "".

I've looked into the attached file. Although it is kind of text,
actually it is not readable for the webserver.

I've sent you a ZIP file with the "index.html" [1] and
"msg_prop_l10n_da.js" [2]. You can translate the text that is visible on
the respective webpage, zip it again and sent it back to me. Make sure
not to change the file extension and to keep the character encoding (it
should be UTF-8).




2016-11-01 19:14 GMT+01:00 Irene Lykke<

     Hello Marcus

     Thank you for your response.

     Just to make sure, you want me translate all text on the weppage,
     you send a link to, to Danish and write it in the source code,
     right? And then I should mail it to you?


     2016-10-30 9:26 GMT+01:00 Marcus<

         Am 10/30/2016 08:22 AM, schrieb Irene Lykke:

             I can see on your webpage that you lack volunteers for
             translating your
             webpage into Danish. I would like to help with that.

             Danish is my native language, and I work as a caseworker.
             This means that I
             use computers all the time, and I am trained in
             communicating with people
             of different background.

         that sounds good and thanks for your offer to help. The website
         is indeed still not fully translated.

         I would suggest to start with the main webpage. You can look for
         the text part inside the HTML file [1]. You can save this file
         locally and open it with a text editor.

         The relevant parts are after the HTML tag<body>. Either it's a
         longer text which is directly visible or it's shorter and then
         tagged with "title" or "h2" or "h3" or other HTML tags.

         So, when this is done then it would be a big step forward. What
         do you think?

         I hope my explaination was not too technical. Please do not
         hesitate to ask when something is unclear.


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