I've just noticed your message, you are seeking help with translations
into Czech.
If this is stil valid, do not  hesitate to let me know.

I can offer you quite a long term (>20 years) experience in translations
(English - German - Czech) of (electro-) technical materials (handbooks,
manuals, data sheets; e.g. for Nokia, Oracle, Eaton, RWE) and/or
commercial agreements/contracts and similar materials.

Perhaps, not necesary to stress, that Czech is my mother tongue.  (And I
used to work as a journalist in a newspaper).

Just only, as a volunteer, I cannot promise (or guarantee) I will be
able to work on your jobs 8 hours a day, but I don't think I will cause
any unnecessary delay.

If this interests you, do not hesitate to conatact me....

Best regards

Ing. Daniel NOSKA
Ruská 878/68
CZ-101 00 Prague 10
Czech Republic

tel.: (+420) 222 362 184
       (+420) 739 323 103
e-mail: dan.no...@volny.cz

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