Alex Satrapa wrote:
> No I'm not shouting, they're just acronyms :)

My only nit would be in relation to this.

I have used, typically, L2TP in all caps as an acronym, but l2tpd in
lower case as the name of the application.  L2TP because its an acronym,
and seems to universally be capitalized by the IETF folk.  I've
typically used lower case on l2tpd because that's the typical executable
name on systems, and because it helps to distinguish the usage when
you're referring to the specific l2tpd program, and when you're
referring to the L2TP protocol.  So, l2tpd implements L2TP.

Make sense?  I've found this to be the most readable, easily
distinguishable, way of handling this.  I'm hardly an authority here,
but I find that it makes sense to do it this way.  *shrug*
Jeff McAdams
"He who laughs last, thinks slowest." -- anonymous

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