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    Wankers of the Week: Rivers in
29, 2011 — Sabina Becker

Oh, clever me. I had a different opener all thought out, earlier this week.
Something to do with supervolcanoes, supernovae, and so forth. That’ll teach
me to write a header too soon! The Yellowstone supervolcano hasn’t erupted,
and neither has Betelgeuse. What happened was a different kind of hot mess
altogether–the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, both still very much
ongoing. One country has already ousted its dictator, the other is still
struggling to do so. Are you really sure you want to read about anything
else? Especially something as dumb as wankers? Oh, very well, then. Here
they are, in no particular order:

1. Richard Fucking
*that’s* what happened to all the wanker panic over Park 51, alias the
Ground Zero Mosque. It didn’t die after all, it just tied itself up into a
few bizarre pretzel shapes and mutated. What a relief!

2. Scott Fucking
knowledgeable and persuasive critic of the ‘gay’ movement”, you
aren’t. A
complete and utter whining wanker and whited
you ARE. And there’s no excuse for handing ideological ammo to “kill the
NONE. Especially in light of the murder of David

3. Mike Fucking Lee.
<>A potential
heir to the throne of King George the Dubya, this teabag
clinched his candidacy for that dubious honor when he said that dialing back
the violent rhetoric means “the shooter wins”. Doesn’t that sound to you a
lot like “Go shopping or the terrorists win”? Makes about as much sense,
too. Especially in light of how anyone who criticizes a tea-tard even a
little bit seems to be getting death

4. Silvio Fucking
Da Berluscogioni has put his expensively shod foot in it again. Funny
how he calls an opposition TV show a “brothel” when he’s constantly buying
sex himself. From underage girls, no less. But I guess that since he does it
*outside* the bordello, that makes it all better somehow.

5. Michele Fucking
legitimate political force? Try a lunatic political farce. Her
to His Barackness’s SOTU speech was characterized less by thought-provoking
points made than by provoking questions such as “What the hell is she
looking at?” and “Why won’t her eyes turn left?” When your glassy gaze
attracts more attention than what you have to say, uh, that’d be a fail.

6. Paul Fucking Ryan. <> And in
other SOTU non-rebuttal rebuttals, we have Eddie Munster, preaching the
gospel according to St.
Will you people please give this Randroid crap a rest, already? We all know
how “going Galt” worked out in real life. Just look at Dubai, where nobody
pays taxes <>. The rising tide
didn’t lift the boats, but it sure as hell is sinking the man-made sand
the International
sea of shit!<>If
that’s your idea of paradise, move there and shut the fuck UP,
(Or, better still:

7. And while we’re on the subject of Dubai, how about that fucking Nakheel
Is anyone besides me snickering over the Rand-o-riffic irony that their
chairman’s name is Ali Rashid *Lootah?* Or how they’re still
been obvious since a year or two ago? Too bad NASA’s photography

8. Joel Fucking Osteen. <> Being gay is like a
drug addiction. Haven’t we heard this tired line-o-stoopid from him before? Why
yes, we have! <>

9. Sarah Fucking
indeed. Actually, her response to the SOTU was more of an OMG. As in,
OMG, what a fucking idiot! Newsflash to Sawah: Sputnik did NOT collapse the
USSR. (Neither did Yuri Gagarin’s historic first orbital flight.) Given that
it was launched in 1957, and the Berlin Wall didn’t fall till 1989,
well…gentle reader, you can do the math. Sarah can’t. And she wonders why no
one can take her seriously? Yeah, I wonder too. I guess this was her way of
out-dumbing Wanker #5, who I must admit was pretty damn hard to top.

10. Peter Fucking
can see Russia from her house; our so-called defence minister can see
from Vancouver. Wow, both of them have the worst presbyopia problem I’ve
ever seen. Pretty embarrassing when Ahnie has to school you in

11. Rob Fucking
Mayor No-Debt of Toronto went into debt on his election campaign.
that’s a shocker. Even bigger shocker: That he actually has the chutzpah now
to hold a fancy-ass fundraiser to cover it, instead of dipping into his own
well-lined pockets. Oh yes, they are. What, did you think he was a regular
guy, just because he looks like some burly blue-collar Joe Blow? Oh no. He’s
a fucking millionaire. He digs these shindigs. And guess who was on the
guest list? Yup, our next wanker…

12. Mike Fucking Harris. Talk about chutzpah, get a load of this:

*Mr. Harris said he harbours no ill will for Toronto’s mayors and
councillors, who have often heaped blame on his provincial government for
downloading services to the city and forcing an amalgamation.*

*“There wouldn’t be a city of Toronto if I didn’t force it through,” he
said. “I’m an easy target to blame, I understand that. But today we’re here
to say never mind the blame, never mind this or that. We are about the

Item: Mike Harris hails from North Bay. Which is nowhere near Toronto. And
he was full of ill-disguised hatred for the provincial capital throughout
his time there as premier of Ontario. Hence the downloading and the
amalgamation. He fucked Toronto over, and quite knowingly; Toronto would
have been a better city today had he never set foot in it. I bet he thinks
we’ve all forgotten. Well, newsflash, Mikey: We haven’t. Ontarians are still
cursing your name for all that you have done to us, and not just in Toronto.

13. Joe Fucking
he made the list this week. It took no less than a defence of the
Egyptian dictator, who has been propped up by the US for the past 30 years,
to land Joe here. But rest assured, he’s earned it. You can’t just dismiss
the political will of 80 million Egyptians!

14. Duncan Fucking
paths are “unconstitutional”? Wow. Only in the US of fat-ass A.

15. Rick Fucking
that closet he’s in is getting mighty tight, or his hair shellac has
eaten its way to his brain. How else to explain this?

*Well, there is a lot of fat to cut from our public schools, especially
those in our biggest urban areas like Houston and Dallas. I am concerned
that some the highly diverse Magnet public schools in this city are becoming
hotbeds for liberalism. Do we really need free school bus service, Black
History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month, ESL,
special needs and enrichment programs like music, art or math Olympiad? I
think we should get back to the basics of the three Rs, reading writing and
arithmetic. I mean when is the last time a 6th grade science fair project
yielded a cure for a disease?*

Either he expects too much of sixth-graders, or he doesn’t understand
science…much less the fact that the “three Rs”, which are really an R, a W
and an A, are all basic underpinnings of science, and that by the time you
hit Grade 6, you should be fairly fluent in them all already. This “back to
basics” rhetoric is nothing but a dumbass’s dog-whistle for “Bible study all
day long.” As for the slams on diversity and liberalism, and free bus
service, that’s Teh Stoopid talking through its hat. Those things aren’t
“fat”, they’re LIFE. And they’re GOOD! They teach kids how to see past the
ends of their noses–which, in this ever-shrinking world, is a life skill in
high demand. If he doesn’t grasp those basic facts, he should vacate the
governor’s mansion and let someone with a full education (as opposed to a
merely full head of air–er, I mean HAIR) take over.

16. The Fucking US
to me like they’re trying to define rape by the narrowest possible
definition…to restrict funding for abortions to the narrowest possible
margin. In fact, I get the distinct impression that they’re trying to
legalize rape and criminalize abortion all in one fell swoop. But I bet it’s
just those damn uppity women, asking for it again. Right?

17. John Fucking
much? Lame excuse is lame.

18. Linda Fucking
not the
*Dynasty* actress. The Repugnican senator from Arizona thinks *Roe v.
Wade*is responsible for the Tucson Massacre? Wow. Just when you
thought that Teh
Stoopid had reached its horizon, it finds a whole new one–and scurries
straight for it! Linda, come to Canada and see if that argument holds water.
We have *zero* abortion laws (!!!) and stricter gun controls than you. And
also, by strange coincidence, fewer gun massacres.

19. Lucien Fucking
I’m aware that he recently lost his wife, Audrey, much too young, to
breast cancer. Which is why I’m even more puzzled that he would take up with
Talisman Energy, which is a cancer on the African
continent<>and a
North America as well. Has he lost his moral compass, too?

20. Hosni Fucking
appointing your first-ever vice-”president” (really your former
minister, probably chief of torture and
will NOT stem the flood tide of protest. The people don’t want a
cabinet shuffle, they want DEMOCRACY. They don’t want a second tier of
tyranny, they want DEMOCRACY. They don’t want lame and fraudulent
“concessions”, “reforms” or any other crapola, they want DEMOCRACY.
Translation: *They want YOU out.*

21. Ayn Fucking
*Yes, I realize that the Patron Saint of All Teabags has been dead since
1982. But only this past week has it finally made the news that she died a
welfare queen, because her shitty books–likened by herself and her slavish
acolytes to the Bible–weren’t earning enough to pay her medical bills.
Which, BTW, were all incurred as a result of her own personal
responsibility–smoking two packs of cancer-sticks a day. Hypocrisy, thy name
is Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum (“Ann”) O’Connor.*

22. Belhassen Fucking
Trabelsi.<>It must
be a blue moon out there, because for once, I think our government
is doing the right thing in kicking out the relatives of the Tunisian
ex-dictator, who recently washed up in Montréal. I don’t dare hope that this
will become a larger pattern, but–credit where due–good on ‘em for getting
rid of this motherfucker. Send him straight back to Tunis to face harsh
justice. And send the rest of that pack of rats with him.

23. Christopher Fucking
I realize that he shilled for the Tunisian dictatorship back when it
was fashionable and without apparent consequences to do so. But it isn’t
now, and the world still needs reminding that Hitch is no hero–he is a
neo-con and an amoral hack to the end.

24. Glenn Fucking
I listed him yet? He’s wanked an awful lot this week; every time he
opens his mouth, another gob of splooge flies out. Okay, consider it done.

25. Michael Fucking Youssef. Why?

That’s why. I don’t know the man from Adam’s housecat, but if this is his
attitude, I don’t like him. Who is anyone to tell the Egyptian people that
they can’t have whatever government they choose?

26. John Fucking
look, the Sheepdog is barking again. This time about an imaginary
Islamist threat from Egypt! *“Run, sheepie sheepie sheepies! Hide!
Moooooozlims! Panic! Terror!”* Oh, shut UP, Bowzer! And get back in your
kennel. Dumb dog.

27, 28 and 29. David Fucking Cameron, Nicolas Fucking Sarkozy, and Angela
influence”, my ass. Try
*a wholly owned subsidiary of CIA, Inc.* Honestly, do they think Mubarak is
going to last in power? Or that anyone besides the usual suspects wants him
to? Three more so-called “leaders” who either don’t get it, or who cynically
believe that WE don’t. And of course, they’re all right-wing. Surprise!

30. Thaddeus Fucking
it was inevitable that SOMEONE would say that Mubarak was “OUR
son-of-a-bitch”. And with boring predictability, it was a Repugnican. Guess
freedom only matters to these guys when they come to impose it on Iraqis,
Cubans and Venezuelans at gunpoint. When the people of Egypt try to claim it
for themselves, they cry foul. Boo fucking hoo hoo HOO!

And finally, to all the teabaggers and idiotarians who’ve been trying to
follow me on the tweeter. Of course I blocked and reported you all for spam.
When one of you has an image of a gun nut “hunting moonbats” for a page
background, somehow I just KNOW that rational discussion is
*waaaayyyyyyy*beyond your capabilities. Anyone who uses the dumbass
phrase “barking
moonbats” is already closed to reason. Bats don’t bark, and nothing lives on
the moon. Which is not made of green cheese. And denial ain’t no river in
Egypt, Cleo.

Goodnight, and get fucked!

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