Jesse Freeston: Massive Turnout for Zelaya Launches New Chapter of Honduran
Wed, 06/01/2011 - 10:03 — AP

'Largest gathering in Honduran history' receives deposed leader's return,
but where to now for Honduran resistance movement?

Video Democracy Now! Does Honduras
Wed, 06/01/2011 - 10:14 — AP

DN! has had some great coverage over recent days—and I'm not just saying
that because I was interviewed on the show

Andrés Tomás Conteris and Amy Goodman accompanied Zelaya on his historic
return, and have dedicated two whole days (so far) to Honduras coverage.
Former Minister of Culture (most recently under Zelaya) and renowned
historian Rodolfo Pastor Fasquelle is also interviewed at length for today's
program <>, along with Mel Zelaya
and Xiomara Castro de Zelaya. Yesterday's program, which details the return
and interviews Zelaya and members of his family, is available

In addition, Amy Goodman has written a column titled Hope and Resistance in
and DN! maintained a live
accompanying Zelaya. See those links (and the links they link to) for
even more DN! Honduras coverage.

Belén Fernández: 1.5 million Honduran thugs give hero’s welcome to Copa
Wed, 06/01/2011 - 09:31 — AP

Utterly brilliant. Click title to see original in Pulse Media with image:

1.5 million Honduran thugs give hero’s welcome to Copa

A few days prior to the return to Honduras of former president Mel
overthrown in a June 2009 coup d’état and subsequently exiled to
distinguished guest-hood in the Dominican Republic, I met with the director
of the state-owned Radio Honduras, Gustavo Blanco. Previously a top employee
with anti-coup Radio Globo, Blanco’s ideological incompatibility with
Globo’s political orientation was once again underscored when he informed me
that the anti-coup National Popular Resistance Front (FNRP) was composed
largely of violent troublemakers and uneducated poor people who didn’t even
understand why they were resisting the coup.

Our ensuing debate resulted in a number of additional claims on Blanco’s
part, such as that 59-year-old Honduran teacher Ilse
this past March was struck in the face by a police-fired tear gas canister
and then promptly run over and killed by a press vehicle—was actually to
blame for her own demise given that she should have understood that her body
type was not compatible with street protesting:

ME: People of a certain body type do not have rights?
BLANCO: She was fat.

According to Blanco, the close-range firing of tear gas in crowded areas was
meanwhile sanctioned by international law in situations in which said crowds
were obstructing the flow of traffic. As anyone who has spent time in
Tegucigalpa knows, obstructions to traffic flow occur fairly constantly,
with or without the presence of teachers peacefully protesting the
privatization of public education and post-coup government confiscation of
their pension 
Honduran media logic was also deployed against the teaching profession in
July 2009 when professor Roger Vallejo’s elimination, apparently by police
bullet <>, was justified in the daily *El
being an effect of his choice to “abandon his classroom” in order to
demonstrate against the illegal overthrow of the elected president. As for
the convenience of the notion of FNRP dependence upon violent troublemakers
when it comes to excusing violent repression by the security organs of the
state, this was confirmed when, shortly after the obliteration of Ilse
Velasquez, Human Rights and Labor Attaché for the U.S. Embassy in
Tegucigalpa Jeremy D. Spector characterized the teachers’ movement as
involving “thugs” <>. He did,
however, refrain from employing Blanco’s characterization of the Honduran
police forces as “*angelitos*”.

Other prior victims of the little angels and their friends include Honduran
teenager Isis Obed
shot and killed by the
military<>on July 5,
2009 at Tegucigalpa’s Toncontin airport, where anti-coup
Hondurans had gathered with the expectation of celebrating the repatriation
of Zelaya, whose plane was ultimately unable to land and who only resurfaced
September, where he took up residence in the Brazilian embassy before
being re-expatriated in January of
Zelaya’s re-repatriation today took place at Plaza Isis Obed Murillo,
located in the southern section of the Toncontin landing strip.

Scheduled to arrive at 11 A.M. on a flight from Nicaragua, Zelaya landed
four hours late. The crowd of expectant thugs—estimated by event organizers
to consist of 1.5 million Hondurans (out of a population of 7.5
million)—remained nonviolent despite the unexplained delays, intense sun,
and decided lack of personal space in which to combat suffocation. Many
attendees had arrived the previous day and had spent the night in the midst
of a torrential downpour. Added strains to the nervous system included the
concentrated flag-waving and musical fanfare accompanying the arrival of
commercial aircraft; following each premature climax, the thugs would once
again accept that Mel was not in fact arriving on Copa Airlines, and the
cycle would begin anew.

As for the lack of police and military stationed within Plaza Isis Obed
Murillo, this may have had something to do with the lack of violence.

More than Zelaya: Multilayered Resistance in Honduras
Wed, 06/01/2011 - 09:00 — AP

[I'm extensively quoted, typos and all, from an email interview in the
following piece by Matt Stannard on the new site Politics & Policy. Click
title to see original]

More than Zelaya: Multilayered Resistance in
May 29, 2011
By Matt J. Stannard

*Is the significance of Manuel Zelaya’s return to Honduras really about the
brokerage of the Organization of American States? Is it even really about
Zelaya himself? Reports from Honduran citizens, and my interviews with
scholars and observers on the ground in Honduras, suggest otherwise.*

Yesterday, the legitimately elected and illegitimately removed President of
Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, returned to that
by a large, heated crowd and a nation still bitterly divided by
tension and violence.” The return was the result of an agreement brokered by
the Organization of American States and signed by “President” Porfirio Lobo
and will allow Honduras to re-join the OAS. In a final drip of irony
regarding the “legal coup” that some American commentators have defended, a
Honduran court dropped all the charges against Zelaya that had been used to
justify his removal in the first place.

It’s clear that Zelaya’s return changes nothing materially. But it will
surely intensify the political struggle that Zelaya himself set into motion,
a struggle supercharged by the coup and subsequent repression. The
intensification of political struggle will be stark, because, as one
Honduran blogger
the country now has two presidents:

Starting today, Honduras will have two presidents, two types of people, and
the division will be absolute, a gap too big to heal, this division will be
permanent, there is no doubt about that.
...He was received with a hero’s welcome, amid cries of Viva Mel! President
Zelaya! making it known that he remains their president, now is the time to
reflect: Who is the real president of the nation?

Using stories often written by biased, pro-coup sources (outlined by
Adreienne Pine in my interview with her below), the mainstream media
has largely
the role of the Organization of American States and the impact of
Honduras’s re-entry into the OAS. The American media has largely ignored the
involvement of the United States government in the politics of the coup and
subsequent installation of Lobo, as well as the repression that followed the
coup. The post-coup atmosphere in Honduras has been retro-style
brutal. Violence
pervasive and deliberately ignored by authorities. There is a great
of repression of journalists, typified by the recent
Hector Francisco Medina Polanco, who had reported on corruption in the
right wing government. Widespread assassination and
union members,
and campensinos (peasants) has been reported. In the face of all this,
Zelaya is perceived by many as a source of potential stabilization, rather
than the destabilizing force in the right wing government’s contrived
narrative justifying the coup.

While there has been speculation and debate concerning whether the U.S.
engineered the original coup or passively supported it, there is little
doubt that capital, and the military industrial complex, view Honduras with
a different criterial lens than that of ordinary working people. This
contractors and construction companies not to bid on infrastructure
supporting U.S. military presence is significant. It includes leadership of
several major religious groups, as well as Noam Chomsky and other academic

I spoke briefly with Dana Frank, prof history at UC Santa Cruz, author of
“Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America.” The
other day, Frank wrote <>:

President Zelaya’s return offers a brief glimmer of hope, but the ongoing
repression by current President Porfirio Lobo’s military regime — now even
worse than immediately after the coup — remains undiminished, as state
security forces now routinely use tear gas canisters as lethal weapons, and
teachers, trade unionists and campesinos in the opposition are still being
assassinated with complete impunity. Lobo and Secretary of State Clinton
insist that democracy has been restored to Honduras. But the reality on the
ground remains terrifying, which is why over 75 Congress members are calling
for a suspension of U.S. military and police aid to Honduras.

I asked her if she still believed this to be true, and whether the
OAS-brokered agreement would do anything to stem the political repression
and human rights violations in Honduras. “The agreement guarantees nothing
new except to Zelaya,” she told me. “Lobo’s police already teargassed and
use live bullets against high school students on Wednesday, who were
peacefully protesting the suspension of their teachers. This is AFTER the

I had a more extensive conversation with Adrienne Pine, assistant professor
of anthropology at American University, is in Honduras presently, and was
able to answer several detailed questions when I contacted her there, the
day before Zelaya’s return. Among the most important things I learned from
my interview with Professor Pine are first, that not all who opposed the
coup are “Zelaya supporters” and, by extension, the drive to reform Honduras
goes beyond simply Zelaya; and second, that we should be suspicious of the
mainstream media concerning Honduran politics, as evidenced by Pine’s
critique of the work of Freddy Cuevas. Third, the vast majority of
Hondurans, regardless of their attitude toward Zelaya, consider the Lobo
regime completely illegitimate.

*POLITICALCONTEXT.ORG: Here’s what the Associated Press had to say–it seems
very spun: “The 2009 coup that was staged to maintain the interests of
Honduras’ political and business elite in the end may have created a window
for change in one of the Americas’ poorest countries, where more than 65
percent of the people live in poverty.” The article goes on to mention that
congress has amended the constitution to do what Zelaya wanted to do, and
also speculates that his popular support may be thin. How much of this is

Adrienne Pine: [AP reporter] Freddy Cuevas is a notoriously pro-coup
reporter who has time and again distorted the facts on the ground and
repeated nearly verbatim (albeit in translation) the lies of the same
Honduran media outlets that themselves sponsored and provided the propaganda
for the coup, and hired Lanny Davis
the Micheletti regime’s lobbyist in Washington.

*[Prof. Pine has written some notes about Cuevas's work**
* and **here* <>*.]*

With regards to his claims in this particular article, he misleads as usual.
“Honduras wanted back into the international community, specifically the
Organization of American States” is an outright lie, unless you’re counting
“Honduras” to mean only the Lobo administration and other coup-supporters.
The vast resistance movement itself does not recognize the Lobo
administration and is nearly unanimously opposed to reintegration into the

The amendment to the constitution Cuevas refers to was carried out only in
response to a massive campaign last year in which a “Citizen Declaration
demanding a representative, popular, and inclusive constituent assembly be
held was signed by well over 1 million 250 thousand people. The amendment
only provides the possibility of a constitutional assembly, without any
promise of participatory inclusive democratic process demanded by the
Resistance movement, and which formed part of Zelaya’s original proposal.

The idea that Zelaya’s support is thin is utter nonsense. Whether he will
retain his popularity in the months following his arrival is certainly up to
debate, but at the moment Zelaya, as General Coordinator of the FNRP, has a
something approaching saint-like status among a majority of Hondurans,
something that will be more than evident in the masses of people that will
be there, rain or shine, to receive him tomorrow.

*PC: What is happening to Zelaya supporters on the ground right now?
AP: It’s important to note that many, many of those who opposed the coup,
and even gave their lives in the Resistance struggle, do not consider
themselves Zelaya supporters. This has been a linguistic trick of the right
wing to try to link Zelaya to Chavez (as a strongman with ”followers” who
don’t lead themselves) and to simplify the struggle of the Resistance
movement, which for most Resistance members is not about Zelaya, but rather
about (albeit via different proposed strategies) the refoundation of the

The repression has only increased in recent months, with militarized police
shooting directly into crowds on a weekly, and sometimes even daily basis,
with live ammunition and teargas canisters, which are lethal. Just this week
in Tegucigalpa, police ambushed a high school, shooting teargas canisters
and live bullets at students as young as 16 years old who were protesting
the Lobo government’s suspension of their math teacher for speaking out
against the privatization of education. One student was sent to the hospital
and 21 others were arrested—along with two student mothers, who had come to
beg for mercy—for threatening the public order.

*PC: A group called Artists in Resistance posted a
* in support of Zelaya: Translated, a portion reads:*

*Artists in Resistance is part of an essential current that seeks to make
power an instrument of the people, and along this road we have been
witnesses to the growth of thousands of voices and faces of leadership,
leaders of neighborhoods, municipalities, towns, collectives, and
organizations — an immense demonstration of the strength and will
accumulated over decades in the bowels of a humiliated Honduras.*

AP: I translated that letter <>, and I wouldn’t
say it’s in support of Zelaya. It’s welcoming him as a compañero in
struggle, but at the same time making it quite clear that the collective
disagrees with processes like that of the Cartagena Accord, which Zelaya
signed without consulting the diverse leaders mentioned in the above quote.
The Cartagena Accord, in paving the way for the FNRP to participate as a
political party and for Honduras to be reincorporated into the OAS, also
contradicts the overwhelming majority decision taken by the representative
members of the FNRP in its national assembly on February 26, in which it
determined that it would not participate in the electoral process and that
it would not recognize the Lobo administration.

*PC: At The Nation, **Tom Hayden
*: “The National Popular Resistance Front (FNRP) has been headed by Zelaya’s
wife, Xiomara Castro, Juan Barahona, Rasel Tome, Guillermo Jimenez Rafael
Alegria, and a cross-section of other popular leaders. At a convention in
February, they voted to join a broad front (“frente amplio”) aimed a
‘refounding’ Honduras through the constituent assembly.” What are the
viability and significance of groups like these?*

AP: Hayden, whom I admire deeply, here unfortunately presents a simplified
analysis of the FNRP structure, ignoring the point made by the Artists in
Resistance above. The Resistance movement has not responded to the
hierarchical leadership Hayden describes, but rather has created thousands
of new leaders at all levels, many of whom aspire to a much more
participatory and horizontal democratic process than that implied here. As a
result, and as a result of the determination of the majority of the movement
to NOT participate in elections, if we’re talking about electoral viability,
I would say viability is low. The majority of the Resistance movement itself
is not enthusiastic about that route, which it sees as illegitimate, and the
“leadership” cited by Hayden is not really at the helm. However, if we’re
talking about the movement’s viability in terms of bringing about grassroots
change and challenging the violent structures of the Lobo administration and
the Obama administration supporting it, the potential is enormous. The
militancy of the social movement that arose in Honduras following the coup
is unprecedented, and it has already had a huge impact, even if we just look
at the concessions cynically cited by Cuevas.

*PC: Zelaya has been promised the right to campaign for a new constituent
assembly. Would the coup government had agreed to this if they thought
Zelaya would be politically successful?*

AP: On its own, the government and the oligarchy it represents will never
cede power. All we have to do is look at the other treaties that it has
negotiated, including the 2009 San Juan and Guaymuras Accords, both of
which, it is clear today, were negotiated in bad faith. Even the weak
stipulations of the Guaymuras accords, which paved the way for legitimation
of the Lobo government, have not been complied with. If the coup government
ends up allowing a constituent assembly, it with be neither representative
nor inclusive.

*PC: Is there any way Zelaya can do more from the outside than he could have
as President? Considering he was ousted for fairly minimal reforms, I
wonder if he can agitate better than he was allowed to lead?*

AP: Certainly Zelaya has been more effective as a symbol and as a leader as
an ousted president than he was as president. He won’t return to the
presidency (that is prohibited by the constitution, and although it gets
broken right and left, I’m pretty sure he’ll stand by that), but how he
agitates, for what and with whom will determine his effectiveness. If, upon
his return, he begins acting like a politician, making concessions without
consulting the broad resistance movement, he will quickly lose support.
However, if he leads in a more horizontal, inclusive fashion, as he has
previously shown he is capable of doing, I think it is likely that he can
have a great impact in pushing forward the agenda of the resistance

*PC: In brief, what’s going to happen when Zelaya returns? (This was asked
the day before Zelaya’s return)*

AP: Tomorrow, Zelaya will return, masses of people with all hopes pinned
upon him will greet him (some are already camped out at the airport), and
one of the first things Zelaya will do is go to a formal luncheon with
Porfirio Lobo (whom the Resistance doesn’t recognize as president) and José
Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the OAS. It will be an enormous,
powerful celebration of resistance, but at the end of the day, the only
thing that will have concretely changed is that Zelaya will be in the
country. As recent communiques by COFADEH <> and
COPINH <> and the above-quoted Artists in
Resistance letter note, democracy and reconciliation are
still a long, long way away.

Jesse Freeston: Two Years After Coup, Overthrown President Returning to
Wed, 06/01/2011 - 08:53 — AP

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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