*Glenn Greenwald has it this morning
that the Israeli attacks on Palestine appear to be coordinated with the
Obama regime so that they occur just following the election.  He makes a
good case for this, while showing how U.S. mass media have presented the
violence from the viewpoint of the Israeli government, keeping the
American people, as always, in the dark about what's truly happening.

Greenwald, who is Jewish, holds to much higher standards than the mass
media in revealing human rights violations and war crimes as what they
are, no matter who commits them, including the USA and client state
Israel, as does fellow Jewish progressive Noam Chomsky, willing to take
massive criticism from the mass media, where they are /persona non
grata/, their own government, and the right wing of the American Jewish
community, including the powerful AIPAC, in holding to higher ethical

An interactive map of Gaza
<http://webapps.aljazeera.net/aje/custom/gazasiege/gazaindex.html> is
provided this morning by /al Jazeera/, showing where the violence is
occurring, and the results.

The hacker group /Anonymous/ rallied to the Palestinians' side,
launching a digital attack
against websites belonging to the Israeli government, but you will not
find this in the mass media who are covering up anything that exposes
the hard facts in this violence.

*"Now that the details of the 'Grand Bargain' that President Obama
offered in the last fiscal crisis have been leaked it is evident that he
may have lost re-election if his base had known what he had planned for
them," proposes a piece from /It's Our Economy/

While we seldom agree with Libertarians or the anti-democratic
filibusters of the Senate, we have to support Republican Rand Paul's
holding up the latest Defense Authorization Act until his own amendment
is introduced
giving American citizens being held by the military rights to a fair
trial with a jury of peers and the right to confront the witnesses
against him or her.  President Obama and the Democratically-controlled
Senate want to maintain the right to imprison Americans without charges,
and have the military hold them indefinitely.

*If you missed last night's fundraiser for the Rolling Jubilee to help
indebted citizens escape from bankster servitude, you may still donate
here: http://rollingjubilee.org/

**Whenever Israel begins to bomb its Arab neighbors, our deceptive mass
media go to any recent violence committed by these Arabs and use it as
justification, ignoring the many horrors committed by Israel against
said neighbors going back for decades.  It is an essential part of the
propaganda system in place to win over as many Americans as possible for
overlooking Israeli human rights crimes and war crimes, particularly in
subjugating the native Palestinian peoples, who are imprisoned without
evidence they committed crimes, and routinely slaughtered without

In fact, as Belen Fernandez points out this morning, Israel has
committed a number of violent acts
against the people of Gaza in the days leading up to the latest
conflict, all ignored by U.S. mass media.  If one Israeli citizen dies
from violence it is headlined in all U.S. mass media, but if hundreds of
Palestinians die it is on page 56 of the /NY Times/ in small print, so
most Americans have no clue about what's happening, any more than they
do about the bankster scams, defense cheating, polluting of our natural
environment or any other important fact outing the ruling Forces of
Greed and /their/ National Security State (it's certainly not /ours/).

The reason we must care about this more than many other international
events is that Israel is a client state of the Empire, financed and
armed by the USA.  They could not continue the brutality without US
support.  Ironically, American "conservatives" who oppose our having
medical care for our own people eagerly send billions of dollars in
"foreign aid" to Israel each year, which subsidizes government health
care for Israelis even as our own people suffer and die for a lack of
medical care.

I've seen film of Palestinians waving the keys to their homes, taken by
Israel and now occupied by Israeli citizens.  If anyone did such a thing
to Jewish families, mass media would be screaming for them to be
immediately bombed.  No genuine attempt is ever made to negotiate peace
and a homeland for the Palestinian people, as Israel continues to steal
Palestinian land with our entire mass media pretending not to notice
--Jack Balkwill

**Who Started It?**
**Bloodbath in Gaza**

For days now, Israel has been launching aerial attacks on Gaza,
resulting in many dead and many injured. The attacks are part of a
larger and massively depressing spectacle of a usurping colony forcing a
population into a wall-enclosed ghetto and bombing them in the name of
Judaism and the Jews.

**A New York Times article, published November 14th, reports on the
death of Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabari, killed by one of
Israel's recent ("pinpoint,"* according to the article) airstrikes.
Naturally, the article makes sly non-mention of the others---including
the children---killed in the strikes. One phrase in the article reflects
the Israeli government's logic regarding the matter: "The ferocity of
the airstrikes, in response to what Israel called repeated rocket
attacks by Gaza-based Palestinian militants..."

**The article goes on to bolster this logic when considering the
always-tenuous ceasefire between Hamas, the governing body of Gaza, and


**"Since [2008-2009] Hamas has mostly adhered to an informal, if shaky,
cease-fire and at times tried to enforce the smaller militant groups to
stick to it. But in recent months, under pressure from some of the Gaza
population for not avenging deadly Israeli airstrikes, it has claimed
responsibility for participating in the firing of rockets."

**So the question posed is, Who started it? When one reads the above
words, one gets the sense that the "starting" of "it" amounts to a
recent phenomenon, and that the question's answer is to be found in
recent events, circa last weekend. This logic upheld by the Israeli
government and the U.S.'s "newspaper of record" is also upheld by---I
apologize in advance for the astonishing lack of surprise here---the
U.S. government.

**At the end of his presidency, George W. Bush** justified Operation
Cast Lead---Israel's massacre of around 1,400 Palestinians---by saying
Hamas started it by breaking a ceasefire with rocket fire.

**First of all, that was never even true. Israel broke the ceasefire on
November 4th, 2008, when it raided the Gaza Strip and killed six Hamas
members. The raid was reported by the Guardian at the time. The event
wasn't really mentioned in the mainstream discussion of the U.S., which
reveals something about the predominant U.S. attitude towards Israel and

**Supporters of Israel often brag about how Israel "withdrew" from Gaza,
as if Gaza's transition from formally occupied territory to open-air
prison constituted a grand Israeli peace effort. But Israel breaches
Gazan territory at will and becomes quite pestered when it's met with
resistance for doing so. This is perhaps unexceptional. Israel's
sponsor, the United States, similarly believes it owns everything and
can do what it likes to whatever territories at any time. Just think of
its vast drone network, always busy murdering civilians in places from
Pakistan to Yemen.

**Technically, Hamas and other Palestinian factions in Gaza offered
Israel a truce as recently as November 12th. But let's ask the question
in a deeper sense: Who started it?

**The question is easily answered, but it should be asked with more
specificity: Who started the murderous settler-colonialism? ("Murderous
settler-colonialism" is redundant, but I will nonetheless employ the
phrase to make the point as clear as possible.)

**Israel did, of course. The question of settler-colonialism is
important. It clarifies. After all, settler-colonialism is a process. In
Palestine, it's always underway. More important to note is that it's
always violent.

**Built into the settler-colonialist project is a plan to separate the
people of the subject population from each other, severing individuals
from their communities. In order for this to occur, the subject
population's present must become its past and that past must then be
erased. This happens both through appropriation and through sheer

**Sheer destruction is another art Israel has learned exceptionally well
from its sponsor, the United States. One task undertaken by
settler-colonialists in the U.S. was the mass extermination of North
American bison (which, unbeknownst to far too many, still goes on
today), dramatically changing the land that Native Americans knew so
intimately. Similarly, Israel has for years been undertaking the mass
extermination of olive trees, dramatically changing the land that
Palestinians knew so intimately.

**Indeed, the U.S. and Israel share values. Moreover, they share
tactics. Their special relationship is drenched in a common genre of
imagery: the imagery of death, as evidenced by the countless corpses of
buffalo and olive trees, to say nothing of the countless corpses of people.

**The blockade of Gaza is one form the violence of Israel's
settler-colonialism has taken. It's not commonly regarded as violence in
the U.S. After all, supporters of the U.S.'s sanctions on Iran so often
consider them alternatives to violence.

**Actually, sanctions are horrifyingly violent. The 500,000 Iraqi
children murdered by Bill Clinton's sanctions in the 1990s are testament
to the fact that those seeking to "cripple" economies are seeking to
starve children.

**The reality is the same in Gaza. One report by the United Nations has
declared that it will become "unlivable" by 2020 if present conditions
continue. Under these conditions, perpetual and vicious, rockets---made
with the few materials to which access is possible---are resistance
symbols, declarations of struggle, promises that Israel's violence will
not be accepted by Gaza, despite the military power of the forces
arranged against it.

**In summation, those who observe the violence in Palestine and feel
compelled to scream to Palestinians about the necessity of recognizing
Israel's right to exist either cannot or will not recognize murderous

**How about that question: Does Israel have a right to exist?

**It is not typically good form to answer a question with a question,
but because this particular question is a trick, I feel comfortable
doing so. So: Can "Israel" be separated from the murderous
settler-colonialism in which it has been engaged since its foundation?

**Let's suppose the answer is no. By that I mean that the Palestinian
right of return continues to be denied and Israel's racist system built
on paranoia over demographics continues its violence. In that case, the
answer to the question of whether Israel has a right to exist is as easy
as the answer to the question of whether murderous settler-colonialism
has a right to exist.

**That is answer is no.


**Not a chance.

***Read "Gaza truce broken as Israeli raid kills six Hamas gunmen,"
published in the Guardian and written by Rory McCarthy, in which an
Israeli official is quoted bragging about a "pinpoint" operation. Fares
Akram and Isabel Kershner casually use exactly that word to describe
Israel's actions in the recent article "Israelis Launch Major Assault on
Gaza, Killing Hamas Leader" in the New York Times. **


****Bush was obviously awful, but what about Obama? Well, pro-Obama
efforts only harm Gaza. He is the head of an imperial state. It's his
job not to give a shit about Palestinians.**


**Patrick Higgins is a writer living in Detroit. He can be E-mailed at
higgins...@hotmail.com and followed on Twitter @DonnyDiggins. **


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