I envy any of you who can handle onions.  I've tried all of the things so
far mentioned except the freezer one, and I keep onions in the fridge, but I
just can't get past the chopping off the roots and outer leaves without the
tears just pouring out.  Even doing them in the food processor for fine
chopping, doesn't work.  I've even tried putting a peg on my nose!  I have
found by experience that I am definitely worse with brown and Spanish onions
than white, but I prefer brown and Spanish because I like the stronger
flavours, particularly when using them raw in salads etc.  I've also found
that I am getting worse as I get older.

Spring onions and leeks also affect me, although they're not as bad as

The only thing that works for me is..........don't do it!  I just avoid
chopping onions wherever possible and get Ian to do it for me unless I
really really have to.

I'll experiment with the freezer idea this weekend for sure, thanks Ruth!

an Aussie living in Richards Bay, South Africa

Ian & Chelle Long
+27 35 788 0777
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