Faith-Based Fudging
How a Bush-promoted Christian prison program fakes success by massaging data.
By Mark A.R. Kleiman
Posted Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 9:35 AM PT

The White House, the Wall Street Journal, and Christian conservatives have
been crowing since June over news that President George W. Bush's favorite
faith-based initiative is a smashing success.

excerpt :

So, how did the Penn study get perverted into evidence that InnerChange
worked? Through one of the oldest tricks in the book, one almost guaranteed to
make a success of any program: counting the winners and ignoring the losers.
The technical term for this in statistics is "selection bias"; program
managers know it as "creaming." Harvard public policy professor Anne Piehl,
who reviewed the study before it was published, calls this instance of it
"cooking the books."

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