I have this soft cover booklet; one of the type with staples holding the pages
together in the middle.  The seller gives an apt description of the contents taken
from the author's note on the frontspiece. My book has included an Errata sheet for 7
pages none of which seem earthshaking, but important if the booklet is to be used for
reference. I bought this booklet in 1978 and haven't a clue why...

Now that this has been referenced, I will give it a read..

Betty Ann in Virginia

Barron wrote:

> this looks like an interesting book on Irish Lace, does anyone have any
> knowledge of it?
> http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3546098226&category=112
> 4
> jenny barron
> Scotland
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