> My objection is to the first x, which *should have been* a +... I quote 
> from the site:
> "First we state that girls that girls require time *and* money. 
> Girls=Time x Money".
> Last I heard, "and"  meant "plus", not "times". So, "time and money" 
> should have been written out as "Time + Money".  The rest of the 
> "proof" falls flat on its face because, as Robin Panza said (she's not 
> on chat, sent the message privately):

Actually in math "and" is "times" and "or" is "plus".

> >The quote 'Money is the root of all evil' is incorrect, if that helps. 
> >The
> >actual quote says that 'the love of money is the root of all evil'

I don't know, I always heard the version without "love". 

> Weronika Patena (a student at Cal Tech) wrote:
> >Not refutable, other than the "absolute value" comment someone already
> >added on the same page.  Which, by the way, means that either girls =
> >evil or girls = -evil, so it's not that bad <g>
> And Liz Beecher wrote:
> >Being a mathematician - I am sorry to say that the mathematical 
> >equations are
> >absolutely correct and that it does appear that I am evil.
> Seems to me, if you include my own objection to a wrong sign being 
> used, it's:
> Language Arts: 3, Mathematics: 0.  <g> Robin, who spotted the mistake 
> in "translation" (from English to math language), is a scientist 
> herself, but of the generation somewhat closer to me in age than either 
> Liz or Weronika. I am a little disturbed that the "young ones" are so 
> careless of context, so willing to focus narrowly...

Math will do that to you <g>.

> Robin throws in another interesting "equation" (philosophical, this 
> time <g>):
> >[...] anything we value requires time and money, so everything of 
> >value is evil.

Of course <g>


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