On Tue, 25 May 2004 22:48:58 -0400, Tamara wrote:
>I also have some doubts about the text having been written by a woman; 
>sounds to me more like something concocted by a man in a wet dream. 

I don't know who wrote this particular text, but its style certainly does
not rule out a female author.  Because it's a book it is a little more in
depth than would be published in a magazine, but in style it is typical of
the type of advice that women's magazines used to give at the time.  The
authors of articles for such magazines were almost all women; writing
articles for women to read was rather too frivolous an occupation for a man.
So I'd say it was highly likely to have been written by a woman.  Besides,
what man of the time would know about face and hair care products ;-)
I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree 
with them. George W. Bush
Steph Peters, Manchester, England

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