Hmm.  I don't have a flyswatter, but I use paper or such for flies, or
just open the window and try to get them to leave.  I deal with
mosquitoes the same way you do.  Especially effective when they're
trying to get at you in bed at night and you don't want to get up and
turn the light on.  I'm not sure a flyswatter would work on a hornet.
Anyway, with most insects it's enough to open the window and direct them
to it, since they're banging against the glass and trying to get out
anyway.  Flies, bees and such.  Mosquitoes try to get in, and I guess
fruit flies and such just stay in, but no point in trying to kill single
fruit flies, just have to take out the garbage (or, in the case of my
apartment-mate, perhaps wash the dishes). 
What's a flour moth?  If it's very small and reasonably slow, clapping
hands is my instinctive reaction too. 
And then there are people like my boyfriend, who show off by catching
flies alive <g>


> Out of curiosity... When I see a fly or a bee/wasp/yellow jacket/hornet 
> in the house, I reach for the fly swatter. When I see a mosquito, I 
> wait for it to "come into my parlour" (ie alight somewhere on me) and 
> then slap it flat. When I see a "flour moth", I chase all over the 
> kitchen after it, trying to smash it between my clapping hands. Most 
> unsatisfactory method, but one which seems instinctive... Do other 
> people do it the same way?
> ---
> Tamara P Duvall   
> Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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