Weronika wrote:
>I'm not sure how Tamara's swivel windows work, but the ones we have at
>home in Poland can open normally (i.e. like doors), and if you twist the
>handle up they'll open at the top and stay attached at the bottom, but
>only open a little, so you can leave them like that to get some air but
>not be cold.  Since all of the opening happens in one direction,
>mosquito screens should work with those. 

Yes, that's how my mother's work too, but then, you can't put Venetian
blinds inside to keep the sun out, and in Australia, we certainly need
For some reason, outside shutters have never really taken off in
Australia, although quite a few of the early buildings had them. I cannot
understand why, they would be so useful! They are coming back now, with
those aluminium wind down ones, but wooden ones like in Mediterranean
countries hardly exist. With so many immigrants from those countries, I
can't believe no-one ever made shutters popular!!

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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