Hi All,  I have it in my mind that the ribbons people wear started with red
for AIDS awareness.  I know pink is for Breast Cancer, purple I think is for
Domestic Violence awareness and I have a friend with a very cool on of
multicolored puzzle pieces (the pattern on the ribbon) for Autism awareness.
And of course the yellow is to welcome people home and now support the
troops.  That's a case of not listening to the whole somg I think.  Like
Reagan wanting to use Bruce Springsteens's "Born in the USA" which is not a
Yippee-I-was-born-in-the-USA song like he thought.

Jane in Vermont, USA where the snow flurry left a tiny bit of snow on the
ground and it got colder today so it's still there : (  The cat and I
are both unhappy about that.

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