On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:28:09 +1000, you wrote:
>I've been informed by my boss that I'm having a month of holidays whether I
>want them or not.  So I have decided to visit the UK to see some family who
>are based in North Wales.  I leave in the beginning of August and come back
>at the beginning of September.

Hi Shell

Unfortunately your visit is holiday season so there are very few lace days
in August.  The UK Lace Guild website lists only one:
August 2005
Worcs: Evesham, 13th August
10 am to 4 pm
Village Hall, Badsey Road, Badsey, Evesham
Ticket price: £2.50
Contact: Tricia Smith on 01386 422197.

Events for September will appear there later.

Would you like to come to a meeting of North West Lacemakers in Manchester
(reasonably close to North Wales) on Saturday 13 August as my guest?  The
format is that members bring their pillows/tatting/needlelace or whatever,
we have a speaker and one supplier.  It is only for a few hours, 10-3, and
being August there will be not as many members there as in other months.  If
you can get to Evesham that event is almost certainly going to be larger.
Email me if you would like to come to Manchester.  We could fit in a visit
to the Costume Museum where there is a little bit of lace to see on some of
the clothes.
Enjoy the Universe - it's the only one you have!
Steph Peters, Manchester, England

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