On Aug 8, 2005, at 22:01, Martha Krieg wrote:

Tamara, don't assume Danek is safe. He may well now be sensitized, and the next time he may react.

I don't. But I feel it's reasonable to assume that he'll have more time than I did to react. If he had the "normal" (ca 1/4") bump the first time, then his second sting should take several hours before it showed itself as being obnoxious. Unlike my first sting, which was obnoxious within a few hours. Unless, of course, he gets multiple stings around the head, like Ruth did...

The trouble with carrying an Epi-Pen with you every time you step out is that the dratted things have "past date" like everything else; you don't use it within a year, you have to throw it away and get a new prescription. And then there's also the matter of decision as to *when* to carry it with you... If you step out to the garden to pick apples or tomatoes or whatever, you're less than a minute from the house, so there's plenty of time to run in and act.

As to the "bicarb for bees and vinegar for wasps" (and jello for yellow jackets and horseradish for hornets, maybe? <g>)... Am I gonna stop and try to observe the beast that got me, then try to remember what I'd learnt in school about the markings (which, possibly, aren't the same as what I'd learnt 40 yrs ago in Poland, anyway)? Not likely... :) If it's yellow and black and it stings, it's an enemy and danger-red.
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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