Just to let you all know that Jacquie is back in hospital.  She hadn't been
feeling well since she came out of hospital.  She told me that she hadn't been
able to eat and was feeling nauseous all the time.

Anyway, call from her hubby, Richard, on Thursday night confirmed that she is
back in the hospital (in Peterborough this time) - she had a partially
collapsed lung due to pressure of fluid build-up.  They had inserted a
drainage tube and 2 litres of fluid later she was feeling a tad better.

However, another call from Richard last night to say that she now had another
drainage tube which had drained of 1 litre of blood from on top of her liver.
She is not a happy bunny at the moment.

On the good side - doctor has said he is pleased with my progress and I saw
the x-rays of the break in my arm and couldn't even see the join!  Of course,
the muscles, tendons and tissues all around are still still and I'm still
doing physio twice a week and lots of exercises every day.

Malvary in Ottawa (wishing she was in England right now).

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