On 2/9/07 6:25 AM, Carol Adkinson wrote:

I was
told to take it easy, which I translate as *not* doing
things like the washing, ironing and vacuuming, and
*doing* things which I enjoy - lacemaking, reading,
crosswords, etc ....

Better to translate it as "do what you feel like doing" --
whether that's lying in bed all day or going for a nice
brisk bike ride.

It used to frustrate me, back when I caught colds more often
and rode more.  (Hmm.  Drop-off in cold frequency started
about when I started taking calcium with D instead of plain
calcium.  Maybe it's *not* a more-experienced immune
system.)  Many was the day when I thought a brisk ride was
just the ticket for clearing out my breathing tubes, but I
didn't dare for fear of reaching the "That's it, back to
bed!" stage ten or twenty miles from home.  I used to
fantasize about hiring someone to follow me in a mobile home!

Riding around the block wasn't an option either; aside from
the boredom, our block was miles long and even one mile is
over-exertion when you don't feel like it.

Nowadays we live in town and have a fine assortment of
blocks to choose from.

But why is it, when I have the time to do all those
latter things, I don't seem to have the energy.   Can one
sort of 'postpone' the recuperation until one feels
slightly more the ticket, and can cope with yards of

Well, we can expect you to feel like lace-making before you
feel like laundry.  But better try for inches -- or half a
centimeter -- at first.  Just set up the pillow, then lie
back and look at it.  Or fill the bed up with pillows and
keep your bookmark on the current page in case you fall
asleep.  (In particular, put pillows under your elbows so
that you don't have to hold the book up.)  Now is the time
when a collection of really-good children's books comes in

And congratulations on feeling well enough to check your

Next week, you can read it.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where ice fishing and skating are in season.
(And I'm staying in.)

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