On Wed, 21 Mar 2007 23:09:49 +0000, Brenda wrote:
>I think that you are probably right in thinking that Earthlink have 
>gone over the top with their spam filters.  That sort of thing does 
>happen from time to time with some ISPs.  Last time it happened to me I 
>contacted my ISP and his SYS Admin (whatever/whoever that is!) 
>complained to the offending ISP and it got sorted pretty quickly.  I 
>suggest that you or your DH contact Freeserve.

Good advice.  Several other lists I'm on have big problems with ISPs banning
list mail addresses because the same mail is going to many of their
customers.  Most of them sort it out and it stays sorted.  However a US ISP
called Comcast is a persistent offender; they seem unable to keep email
lists out of their spam filters for more than a few hours at a time.

There's a commercial connection between Earthlink and Comcast to do with
internet via cable, not sure of the details.  If the people Jean's husband
is trying to email are customers of that, then I suspect Freeserve won't be
able to get the problem fixed, no matter what they do.  The only way to
reliably communicate would be for the recipients to use a different email
address like gmail or yahoo.
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