On 2/15/08 11:20 PM, Bev Walker wrote:

I remember the movement to recycle 'good-one-side' paper
- all that did was cause confusion, because the
'old-side' was confused with the new side.

Heh. I remember when we used both sides of paper as a matter of course -- we didn't call it recycling then, we called it "not being extravagant and wasteful."

And I still save discarded sheets that are printed on only one side -- I use them to catch excess glue, print proofs, jot notes, etc.

I ran through them pretty fast when I was trying to learn Radio Code; they tend to pile up now. Did use a few sheets at Valentine Date night -- uh, yesterday now; my clock says it's after midnight. I "did craft" for three of the children the church was babysitting: they embroider little squares of fabric and run a thread around the design, then I stretch them over cardboard circles and they paste paper on the back. Two sheets of waste paper for each of the two completed medallions: one to catch glue, and one to protect the medallion while the glue is rubbed down.

One of the children wandered off before completing his design.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the snow is staying frozen this time.  So far.
(The potholes are downright dangerous.)

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