Phil wrote:

<back, why was it not possible just to telephone through to my Gran from Spain?? >

Why is it now possible for DH to phone me in the UK on his mobile from New Zealand, but I can't phone from my local Sainsburys (supermarket) on one side of Poole to phone DH on the other side of Poole to find out which bottle of wine he wants? The signal varies throughout the store, but is non-existent in the wine section.

I learned Pitman shorthand and typing on day release from the Civil Service, and was told that I'd never be a good shorthand writer because I had too good a memory for what had been said. Would there be any point in learning shorthand nowadays when even young children use a form of what was taught as Speedwriting years ago when texting and could use that to take notes?

Jean in Poole, Dorset,UK
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