Dear Sue,
I even know that the milk went into the cup first to prevent the fragile porcelain from cracking from the sudden heat of the tea. And you described precisely how I make tea at home. But is there a procedure when there is a large group of people, or are there 6 cup teapots lined up at the table?

Lyn from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

-----Original Message----- From: Sue Babbs
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 7:12 PM
To: Lyn Bailey ;
Subject: Re: [lace-chat] Tea for a crowd?

As in everything there are different preferences in making tea!!

I'm not at all sure what a tea concentrate is.

Loose tea or tea bags - your choice.  Jane Austen would not have used tea
bags! Don't forget a tea strainer if you use loose tea.

Vital to warm the pot before adding the tea leaves, so it is already hot
before you add the BOILING water.

Leave to steep, before pouring - again a matter of preference as to how
strong you want it

And, of course, served with milk not lemon!  Some believe in adding the milk
to the tea cup first; and others add it after the tea has been poured in.

Sue (an Englishwoman in Chicago)
-----Original Message----- From: Lyn Bailey
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 5:51 PM
Subject: [lace-chat] Tea for a crowd?

I hope this is the right place to go for this help.  I live in America,
they don’t know how to make a cup of English tea.  (Heat the pot, boil the
water, all that.) Warm water and a tea bag next to it.  I belong to a Jane
Austen group that serves tea this way.  We also have a fund raiser every
an English tea as close as we can get it, but they will persist in a teapot
hot water and your choice of teabags in your cup. I figure since so many of
Arachne members are Brits, I might be able to get good advice.  Online they
say use a tea concentrate, brewed with loose tea, meticulously measured with
the boiling water in the pot.  I figure Brits must have socials and church
meetings and the like with large numbers of people, like 60.  Is this a good
way to do it, or is there another way to do this?

I appreciate any suggestions.

Lyn Bailey, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

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