I was at the PNWC lace conference on Vancouver Island this past week, and
had a great time learning The Count's Swamp Lace (better known as 's
Gravenmoer, but I like my title better ;-) The conference went really well -
thanks, Bev and all the other people who helped!

Anyway, on my way home I stopped in at the town of Sidney, and discovered a
used bookshop that has a fair number of bobbin lace books. I thought I'd let
any Island arachnes know - if you want the name of the bookshop, email me
privately. There were some commonly-known lace books (the Sally Johannson
one was there) on the shelves and in the front showcase there were some
original copies of old books by Tebbs, Wright, and Sharp. These were in
excellent condition, though priced a little high for me. I don't think they
were priced high for 100-year-old books, though.

North Vancouver, B.C.
(west coast of Canada)

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