On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 02:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

but perhaps people in the UK (who should buy VHS format
videos) and USA (who should buy NTSC format videos) need a reminder.

Hi Jeri and anyone else who is interested:

The format used in the UK and many other countries is called "PAL", not "VHS". The acronyms PAL and NTSC refer to the resolution of how your television set displays images:

PAL stands for "phase alternating line" or "phase alternation by line" depending on whose definition you look at.
NTSC stands for "National Television Standards Committee" and is the standard in the USA and Canada.
VHS stands for "video home system".

VHS tapes can be in both PAL and NTSC formats.

North Vancouver, BC
(west coast of Canada)
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