dear listers
since bev has asked and told hehehehe
I will too
I am in the process of working a torchon bracelet for my 21 month old granddaughter
and she seems fascinated with the project and with the new knitted shawl I am making so we can sit in front of the tv during the cold winter months to come and be warm
the torchon is a new pattern I designed and only has a few spiders in it and the rest is torchon ground
but it is fun and fast
only 6 inches needed for her wrist
I found some plastic clear snaps to close it with
I know she will like it as she is really intrigued with the way I keep moving the bobbins
I just hope she continues to be fascinated and will take up the hobby when she is a few months older
all those going to convention please enjoy yourselves and learn a lot and then please please please tell us all about it when you return
thanks in advance
yours in lace

Christiansburg, Virginia, USA
My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.
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