Thanks everybody very, very much for all the advice about moving lace.  I
have to admit the thought is scaring me, I'm sure once I tackle it I will
feel better, and I also know that I need to be in the right frame of mind to
attempt this.  I am thinking of next Sunday which is my next free time
during daylight hours (always a good plan).  Mind, this is one of those
times when it would sure be nice to have someone standing behind me to
provide support!   I am contemplating practising first on a short and simple
piece that won't matter so much if I make a botch of it.  And in the
meantime I'd already thought to extend the pillow so that will help too.

Fortunately I have four corners to turn before I have to think about sewing
the edges together, so I can read up on this and maybe practise a bit first.
Sounds like I can use that same practise piece the same way!

Noelene asked whether I use a crochet hook (yes) or a lazy susan (never even
heard of one).  Perhaps someone could enlighten me?

And now I realise that just because I can make an edging on a 19" cookie,
that doesn't mean I can't get a larger pillow and a block pillow and a
roller pillow at some point too.  I thought it would be extravagant for the
lace I've made so far.  How cool to find that this would actually be useful
and make things easier!  I should have been looking closer at other peoples'
stuff when I was in Victoria to get ideas - next time.

No messages from Clay this week which I think means she's already on her
Alaska cruise.  Disappointingly the weather has turned cool (cold to most of
you) and wet up here so I hope she has luck on her trip.

JulieO enjoying vegies from my garden and greenhouse...and protecting them
from frost in Whitehorse, Yukon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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