Just returned from Ithaca this afternoon after attending the 23rd Annual
Lace Day there.  It was an enjoyable event but then I am biased.  As a
vendor and the vendor chairman for the event,  I have a vested interest in
it being well attended and enjoyed by the attendees.  Because I had to stay
in my selling stall on Saturday I missed the lecture and slides by Pat Read
called "Milanese Lace and Its Modern Development".  No doubt some of the
other attendees will tell you about it.

Deborah and I did drive down on Friday so that we could attend the reception
in the evening and be ready for Saturday morning.  Vendors start setting up
at 7 am and it is a two hour drive for us from Rochester.  Those who know me
also know I am not a morning person. <grin>  A lot of people were impressed
with the 5-metre lace attempt that I am making and had on display. Or at
least impressed that someone would be crazy enough to attempt something like
this. I now have 19-1/2 inches of a 6 inch wide design finished.  Still a
bit to go for a 16' 4-3/4" requirement.

While I did not close the stall early for the lecture, I did have to close
early for a class.  We stayed over this year so that Deborah could take a
needlelace class from Gretchen Allgeier and I could take the "Deciphering
Leaves and Tallies" class from Josee Poupart. My class was really a very
good learning experience but also frustrating for me as well. While I became
quite adapt at breaking threads, (15 threads on a pattern that used 18 pair)
I fell further behind with the learning project. It is a lovely pattern with
six wheat ears resting above a half stitch background. And the leaves were
an entirely different colour from the rest. I am afraid that Josee feels
that I did not learn from it but I disagree. While I could not execute the
pattern then, I did understand the information she was trying to impart.
Certainly anyone having an opportunity to attend the class should do so.
And I did promise to have a finished piece for her to see when I attend the
Ottawa Lace Day on 28 March, 2004.

We stayed over today as well because of a class that Deborah had but I did
not take one today.  So spent the day working on the 5-metre lace until time
to leave.  And the leaves had  changed quite dramatically between the trip
down and the return.  Very lovely now.

Kenn Van-Dieren
Bobbins by Van-Dieren
2304 Clifford Avenue
Rochester, NY 14609-3825
Tel: 585.654.5711
Cell: 585.750.8842
Web Site: www.bobbinmaker.com

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