
> to get info for, is:  Once I am done, what is the BEST way to finish a
> project?  I really want this to look good, once I get it done.  I also 
> want to enter
> this in the Iowa State Fair next summer, so does anyone know, can I frame 
> it,
> or do are there rules that the judges have to be able to pick up a piece 
> and
> look at the back of it?  If I can frame it, should I have the piece 
> attached to
> the material, or would it be better to let the framer do that?  Can I have
> glass in the frame?  My thoughts were to wash it, block it, and then 
> stretch
> dark blue or black silk on a frame, and stitch the lace to that.  Then I 
> would
> take it to the framer and let them do the rest.  Please, any help would be
> wonderful!

I would check with your fair's rules: some must see the bank and others 
don't need to.  It is certainly much safer if it can be entered mounted.
I would also do the 'mounting to fabric' myself.  I did with a piece I had 
framed.  I had used a fairly stiff 'paint on fabric' piece and they did a 
great job.  Be careful in choosing the framer, ask about their experience in 
framing 'fabric and/or needle work'.
I hope you will be able to post some pictures for all to see.


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