Dear Peggy,
This appears to be an escalating problem for teachers of adult education classes across the UK. I do not teach a class now but have close friends who do and attend one FE class myself and that tutor has her own ways of dealing with the problem, most not to be recommended. I am not sure if the EC is to blame, I think it is the government who are not willing to supply funds for non vocational classes. They cannot see the use of classes which do not lead to a qualification of any sort. The social aspects do not seem to count.
In this area most of the teachers are trying to set up private classes, perhaps in a community centre or church hall. It means more work for the teacher, who will have to arrange for insurance perhaps but will get you away from the silly office people who think that if you have prepared a work plan someone else could come in and cover your class if you were ill. Is this an area where the Lace Groups in different areas could step in? They could hire a hall/room and 'employ' a lace teacher much as the LEA's do, or would this be opening more problems with employment acts and the like.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.
On 24 Jan 2004, at 16:55, Peggy Lovelace-Carr wrote:

Dear Friends in Lace

I would like to know how all the Lace Tutors in the UK are coping with the
amount of paperwork we have to do now for the EU regulations.

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