I am going to make a scarf now, a long rectangular. The pattern is by Aage
(can´t find his last name right now) but he has a home page
The picture of the scarf is on the backside of the latest Kniplebrevet and
it is made in Bourette variegated silk, 2 ply and Pagoda silk. The thread
feels great. I have rolled  all on bobbins (148) and are pricking the
pattern. Next I have to fix a roller that is wide enough. Going to use a
swim noodle probably. I bought the silk from
I don´t think they have a home page, I just had mail contact with them.
Om det följer med ett vedlegg som heter Sanitizer så
betyder det endast att mitt mail är sanerat från virus
på den server jag tillhör. Det är inget virus.

> Your mention of a bobbin lace shawl caught my attention. I'd really like
> make one but too new at this to design myself. I've been looking for
> patterns. Any suggestions? Thanx Pat from PA where it's a sunny day at

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