Good morning All,
Has anyone out there tried working on a smooth, plastic cover cloth? I had read about them, 'somewhere' and when I saw some at the NEC last year decided to buy a couple to try. I know that in France many people work with a smooth piece of leather under their bobbins. The one I bought is a thickish, strong, clear plastic, round and with a hole cut in the centre. I am working a piece lace with lots of sewings and constantly having to work over pins. It is perfect for that, but I also found when doing a long braid outline that it seemed to help the speed of the work and the tension. The bobbins move freely on the smooth surface and hang straight down, whereas with a fabric cover cloth they have to be placed and tensioned by hand. I must admit I do not like the noise they make , it's a fairly hard surface but can put up with that for the other benefits it gives.
Jean in Cleveland U.K.

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