One more week and I'm gone!   The orders are coming in fast and furious, for 
which I am very grateful, but if checks don't get here by July 6, they will 
have to languish in the post office bin until August 6. I am just telling you 
this in case you wonder later on why you don't get your CDs even though you have 
sent in payment. I will have my computer with me when I go to Europe, but may 
not take it to Prague, so there might be a blank period during the dates of 
the Congress, but I will be able to answer any emails on the subject after the 
24th of July.   Thanks for your understanding.

Thanks to all and sundry who have let me know that their CDs have arrived 
safely.   I hope you are pleased with the contents. 
For the information of the many who have asked, Michelle Chase has given her 
permission to post the lace thesis on the Professor's web site, so that should 
be coming up soon.   Also, I have just sent him The Romance of Lace by Thos. 
Wright, for those who are interested in English lace history.

Please be patient with me if you meet me in Prague: I am miserable when it 
comes to remembering names. But I know you all in writing, and am grateful for 
your support.


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